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1975 |
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1964 |
Arizona diatomite |
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1903 |
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Arizona copper, lead and zinc statistics for 1949-1950 |
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1951 |
Arizona copper prospects |
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1929 |
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Arizona climate 1931-1972 |
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1974 |
Arizona climate |
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1964 |
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1985 |
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Arizona Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technology |
1983 |
Arizona barite |
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1947 |
Arizona asbestos, Gila County, Ariz. |
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1967 |
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Arizona Department of Mineral Resources |
1953 |
Arizona and United States metal statistics, five principal metals, copper, lead, zinc, gold and silver, years 1949-1953 (1953 preliminary and estimated) |
Arizona Department of Mineral Resources |
1954 |
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1952 |
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1982 |
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Arizona |
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Arizona |
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Arizona |
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1976 |
Argon 40 in cogenetic feldspar-mica mineral assemblages |
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1967 |
Argillic alteration and ore deposits |
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1956 |
Areas subject to inundation by the 100-year flood in Avra Valley, Pima County, Arizona |
Roeske, R.H. |
1978 |
Areas of the United States with elevated screening levels of 222Rn |
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1966 |
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Are these the oldest metazoan trace fossils? |
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Are fire agates opals? The electron microscope gives us the answer |
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Archean ripple mark in Grand Canyon |
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1973 |
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1969 |
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1979 |
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1966 |
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1978 |
Archaeocidaris spines from the Permian Scherrer Formation, southeastern Arizona |
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1976 |
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1986 |
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1977 |
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U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and U.S. Dept. of Agriculture |
1973 |
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Aquifer-system compaction, Tucson basin and Avra Valley, Arizona |
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Aquifer-storage change in the Lower Canada del Oro subbasin, Pima County, Arizona, 1996-98 |
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1986 |
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1980 |
Aquarius Mountain area, Arizona, a possible HDR prospect |
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1979 |
Aquarius Mountain area, Arizona, a possible HDR prospect |
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1979 |
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1983 |
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Applied geology at the Magma Mine, Superior, Arizona [abs.] |
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1947 |
Applied geology at the Magma Mine, Superior, Arizona |
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Schumann, H.H. |
1981 |
Applications systems verification and transfer project - Volume I: Operational applications of satellite snow-cover observations - Executive summary |
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1981 |
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1955 |
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1978 |
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Chen, C.C. |
1976 |
Application of the source-area concept of storm runoff to a small Arizona watershed |
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1973 |
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1968 |
Application of the magnetometric resistivity method in mapping a deeply buried geological structure (located near Superior, Arizona) |
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1975 |
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Wright, R.F. |
1957 |
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1985 |
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1986 |
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1986 |
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1978 |
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1974 |
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1988 |
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1988 |
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1975 |
Application of hydrogeochemistry to delineate flow in fractured granite near Oracle, Arizona |
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1985 |
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1977 |
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1990 |
Application of ERTS-1 multispectral imagery to monitoring the present episode of accelerated erosion in southern Arizona, in Freden, S.C., Mercanti, E.P., and Becker, M.A., eds., Symposium on significant results obtained from the Earth... |
Morrison, R.B., and Cooley, M.E. |
1973 |
Application of ERTS images and image processing to regional geologic problems and geologic mapping in northern Arizona |
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1975 |
Application of ERTS and EREP images to geologic investigations of the Basin and Range - Colorado Plateau boundary in northwestern and north-central Arizona |
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1973 |
Application of dynamic analysis of mineral grains to some structural problems in the Empire Mountains, Pima County, Arizona |
Tarman, D.W. |
1975 |