Spencer, J.E., Richard, S.M., Reynolds, S.J., Miller, R.J., Shafiqullah, M., Gilbert, W.J., and Grubensky, M.J., 1995, Spatial and temporal relationships between mid-Tertiary magmatism and extension in southwestern Arizona: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 100, no. B7, p. 10,321-10,351.
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Extensional Tectonics, Igneous Petrology, Volcanic, Granitoid, Geochemistry, Geochronology, Plate Tectonics, Childs Latite - Miocene, [Locomotive Fanglomerate][Locomotive conglomerate] - Oligocene/Miocene - Whitetail assemblage, Ajo Volcanics - Miocene/Oligocene - mid-Tertiary volcanic assemblage, [Batamote Andesite][Batamote basaltic andesite][Batamote volcanic complex and equivalent extrusives], andesite suite of Batamote and associated extrusive rocks, basaltic andesite of Sauceda Wash, rhyolite of Montezumas Head, rhyolite of Pinkley Peak, Sneed Andesite, Daniels Conglomerate, basalt of Black Butte (Sauceda Mts.), basalt of Little Horn Mountains, basalt of Oakland Mine, Cobwebb Basalt, Santa Maria Peak felsite (Artillery Mts.), Artillery Fm, basalt of Black Mesa (Plomosa Mts.), rhyolite of Nottbusch Valley, volcanic rocks of Royal Arch, tuff of Yaqui Tanks, tuff of Ten Ewe Mountain, Sandtrap Conglomerate, Manganese Mesa Basalt, Ferguson Wash Group(ignimbrite of Ferguson Wash)(volcanic rocks of Ferguson Wash), Swansea Plutonic Suite, basalt of Black Mountain (CA), tuff of Felipe Pass, tuff of Crazy Woman Wash, Quechan volcanic rocks, dacitic rocks of Gravel Wash(dacite of Gravelly Wash), [Hells Gate dacite][Hells Gate latite][latite of Hells Gate][Hells Gate volcanics] (Buckhorn Mts.), Black Butte basalt (Vulture Mts.), Vulture mesa-capping basalt, Vulture volcanics, [San Domingo volcanics][San Domingo rhyolite][San Domingo Wash rhyolite][rhyolitic rocks of San Domingo Wash][rhyolites of San Domingo Wash], Chapin Wash Fm - Miocene - San Manuel assemblage, Beer Bottle rhyolite mbr - Big Horn volcanics, Burnt Mountain volcanics (Big Horn Mts.), Dead Horse fm[(Dead Horse basalt)(Dead Horse volcanic mbr) - (Big Horn volcanics)], Belmont granite, Hot Rock basalt, South Mountains Granodiorite,