Deep-level chalcocite at Superior, Arizona, and at Butte, Montana |
Short, M.N. |
1923 |
Letter from the Chairman of the Colorado River Commission transmitting report of the proceedings of the Colorado River Commission and the compact or agreement entered into between the States of Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New... |
Colorado River Commission |
1923 |
Structural features of the Colorado Plateau and their origin [abs.] |
Moore, R.C. |
1923 |
The Colorado River problem |
Corthell, N.E. |
1923 |
Romances of some of Arizona's mines |
Willis, C.F. |
1923 |
The Bannie gold and copper mine |
Burgess, Dean |
1924 |
Radium, uranium, and vanadium, in Mineral resources of the United States, 1921, Part I - Metals |
Hess, F.L. |
1924 |
Kay hits original ore at 1,200 feet depth |
Willis, C.F. |
1924 |
Gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc in Arizona, in Mineral resources of the United States, 1921, Part I - Metals |
Heikes, V.C. |
1924 |
The discovery of the Silver King mine |
Clark, C.M. |
1924 |
Molybdenum deposits, A short review |
Hess, F.L. |
1924 |
Geological map of the State of Arizona, prepared by the Arizona Bureau of Mines in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey |
Darton, N.H., Lausen, C., and Wilson, E.D. |
1924 |
Soil survey of the San Simon area, Arizona |
Carpenter, E.J. |
1924 |
United Eastern report gives future plans |
Arizona Mining Journal |
1924 |
Contributions to the geology of the Navajo Country, Arizona, with notes on the archaeology |
Reagan, A.B. |
1924 |
Bridal Veil Mines in Cataract Canyon |
Ferris, H.A., and Busch, J.E. |
1924 |
Surveying the Grand Canyon of the Colorado |
Freeman, L.R. |
1924 |
Soil survey of the Winslow area, Arizona |
Strahorn, A.T., Baldwin, M., and Carpenter, E.J. |
1924 |
The Geology of the El Tiro mine, Silver Bell, Arizona |
Shoemaker, A.H., and Somers, G. |
1924 |
Problems of the lower Colorado River |
Gordon, J.H. |
1924 |
Silver mining in the Tip Top district |
Ensign, O.A. |
1924 |
Stratigraphy--northeast Arizona-southeast Utah |
Hager, Dorsey |
1924 |
Stratigraphy of northeast Arizona, southeast Utah |
Hager, Dorsey |
1924 |
Plan and profile of Colorado River from Lees Ferry, Ariz., to Black Canyon, Ariz.-Nev., and Virgin River, Nev. |
Birdseye, C.H. |
1924 |
Die morphologische Analyse. Ein Kapitel der physikalischen Geologie |
Penck, Walther |
1924 |
Kay Copper Corporation starts renewed activity |
Arizona Mining Journal |
1924 |
A boat voyage through the Grand Canyon of the Colorado |
Birdseye, C.H., and Moore, R.C. |
1924 |
Grand Canyon of Colorado River - Geologische Charakterbilder, 30 Heft |
Darton, N.H. |
1924 |
Stratigraphy of the Hopi Buttes volcanic field, Arizona |
Reagan, A.B. |
1924 |
The first one hundred years of American geology |
Merrill, G.P. |
1924 |
Cambrian geology and paleontology IV; Cambrian and Ozarkian Brachiopoda; Ozarkian Cephalopoda and Notostraca |
Walcott, C.D. |
1924 |
Geology of the El Tiro mine, Silver Bell, Arizona |
Somers, G.B., and Shoemaker, A.H. |
1924 |
Cambrian geology and paleontology V, No. 2; Cambrian and Lower Ozarkian trilobites |
Walcott, C.D. |
1924 |
Geological observations on a traverse through the Grand Canyon of the Colorado [abs.] |
Moore, R.C. |
1924 |
The Colorado River problem |
Kelly, W. |
1924 |
Kay Copper finds new ore body |
Arizona Mining Journal |
1924 |
Geological observations on a traverse through the Grand Canyon of the Colorado [abs.] |
Moore, R.C. |
1924 |
Central Arizona holds deposits of carnotite |
Hewett, D.F. |
1925 |
The Colorado River problem |
Kelly, W. |
1925 |
Kay Copper no longer a prospect |
Arizona Mining Journal |
1925 |
Geologic report on the inner gorge of the Grand Canyon of Colorado River, Appendix B, in LaRue, E.C., Water power and flood control of Colorado River below Green River, Utah |
Moore, R.C. |
1925 |
The mill of the Katherine Gold Mining Company |
Thurmond, F.L. |
1925 |
Interesting development at Bill Arp |
Arizona Mining Journal |
1925 |
Investigation of material for the manufacture of cement with prison labor |
Lausen, Carl, and Wilson, E.D. |
1925 |
Gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc in Arizona, in Mineral resources of the United states, 1922, Part I - Metals |
Heikes, V.C. |
1925 |
A second season at the Grand Canyon, Arizona |
Edwards, I. |
1925 |
Investigation of the zonal arrangement of mineral deposits in southeastern Arizona |
Fosness, J.L. |
1925 |
Gold and copper deposits near Payson, Arizona |
Lausen, Carl, and Wilson, E.D. |
1925 |
The Silver mining district in Yuma County |
Thompson, A.P. |
1925 |
The later story of the New Cornelia enterprise |
Rickard, T.A. |
1925 |
Official report of the proceedings of the Colorado River conference between delegates representing California, Nevada, and Arizona, at the State capital, Phoenix, Arizona, Monday, August 17th, 1925 |
Anonymous |
1925 |
Carnotite discovered near Aguila, Ariz. |
Hewett, D.F. |
1925 |
A discussion of certain Colorado River problems |
Smith, G.E.P. |
1925 |
The King of Arizona region, Yuma County |
Thompson, A.P. |
1925 |
Origin of certain rich silver ores near Chloride and Kingman, Arizona, in Contributions to economic geology, 1923-1924; Part I--Metals and nonmetals except fuels |
Bastin, E.S. |
1925 |
The Castle Dome lead district of Yuma County |
Thompson, A.P. |
1925 |
Late Cretaceous formations of Black Mesa, Arizona |
Reagan, A.B. |
1925 |
Geology of the Verde Central mine |
Fearing, J.L., Jr., and Benedict, P.C. |
1925 |
Identification of two fossil leaves from Iowa, one from Arizona, and a 'tree trunk' from Kansas |
Reagan, A.B. |
1925 |
The Basin Range problem |
Davis, W.M. |
1925 |
Surface water supply of the United States, 1919-1920, Part IX. Colorado River Basin |
Grover, N.C., Follansbee, Robert, Purton, A.B., and McGlashan, H.D. |
1925 |
Non-metallic minerals, occurrence - preparation - utilization |
Ladoo, R.B. |
1925 |
Date of channel trenching (arroyo cutting) in the arid southwest |
Bryan, Kirk |
1925 |
Kay Copper nearing production |
Southwest Mining News Service |
1925 |
The Papago country, Arizona; A geographic, geologic, and hydrologic reconnaissance with a guide to desert watering places |
Bryan, Kirk |
1925 |
Dr. Weed's report on Kay Copper |
Southwest Mining News Service |
1925 |
One more mine [Kay Copper] |
Southwest Mining News Service |
1925 |
Mining methods of Verde district, Arizona |
Mills, C.E. |
1925 |
A resume of Arizona geology |
Darton, N.H. |
1925 |
Upper Carboniferous stratigraphy of the Galiuro Mountains |
Webber, B.N. |
1925 |
Ore deposits of the Saddle Mountain and Banner Mining Districts, Arizona |
Ross, C.P. |
1925 |
Water power and flood control of Colorado River below Green River, Utah |
La Rue, E.C. |
1925 |
Geology and ore deposits of the Aravaipa and Stanley Mining Districts, Graham County, Arizona |
Ross, C.P. |
1925 |
Water supply, Appendix A, in La Rue, E. C., Water power and flood control of Colorado River below Green River, Utah |
La Rue, E.C., and Holbrook, G.F. |
1925 |
The pre-Triassic unconformity in southern Nevada |
Longwell, C.R. |
1925 |
Rock formations in the Colorado Plateau of southeastern Utah and northern Arizona, in Shorter contributions to general geology; 1923-24 |
Longwell, C.R., Miser, H.D., Moore, R.C., Bryan, Kirk, and Paige, Sidney |
1925 |
Cambrian Geology and paleontology V, No. 3; Cambrian and Ozarkian trilobites |
Walcott, C.D. |
1925 |
Ore possibilities at the Congress mine |
Staunton, W.F. |
1926 |
Structural studies in southern Nevada and western Arizona |
Longwell, C.R. |
1926 |
Some bonanza mines of Yuma County |
Minhinnick, H.J. |
1926 |
Stories in stone, telling of some of the wonderlands of western America and some of the curious incidents in the history of geology |
Lee, W.T. |
1926 |
Ore deposits of the Jerome and Bradshaw Mountains quadrangles, Arizona |
Lindgren, Waldemar |
1926 |
Notes on the age of the continental Triassic beds of North America, with remarks on some fossil vertebrates |
von Huene, F.R. |
1926 |
Ancient footprints in the Grand Canyon |
Merriam, J.C. |
1926 |
Structural studies in southern Nevada and western Arizona [abs.] |
Longwell, C.R. |
1926 |
Significance of inclosed meanders in the physiographic history of the Colorado Plateau country |
Moore, R.C. |
1926 |
Origin of inclosed meanders on streams of the Colorado Plateau |
Moore, R.C. |
1926 |
Character of the ground-water resources of Arizona |
Catlin, C.N. |
1926 |
Niznaz Boko--the Great Hole in the Ground |
Burden, D. |
1926 |
Geology and ore deposits of the Twin Buttes district |
Brown, R.L. |
1926 |
Prehistoric footprints from the Grand Canyon |
Scientific American |
1926 |
Kay Copper shows great improvement |
Mining Journal |
1926 |
A study of the Colorado River silt |
Breazeale, J.F. |
1926 |
Map of Grand Canyon National Park |
Matthes, F.E., and Evans, R.T. |
1926 |
Fossil fish |
Grand Canyon Nature Notes |
1926 |
Soil survey of the Salt River Valley area, Arizona |
Harper, W.G., Youngs, F.O., Strahorn, A.T., Armstrong, S.W., and Schwalen, H.C. |
1926 |
Salt in the Tapeats sandstone |
Sturdevant, G.E. |
1926 |
Notes on recent stratigraphic work in Arizona |
Stoyanow, A.A. |
1926 |
Dragon fly |
Sturdevant, G.E. |
1926 |
Fossil footprints from the Grand Canyon |
Gilmore, C.W. |
1926 |