Prowell, S.E., 1984, Stratigraphic and structural relations of the north-central Superstition volcanic field: Tempe, Arizona State University, M.S. thesis, 122 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:24,000.
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Mineral District, Structure, Stratigraphy, Volcanic, Igneous Petrology, Geochemical Survey, Geochronology, Correlation, (latite of Government Wells)(latite lava of Government Wells)[Government Well latite][latite of Government Well] - Oligocene, (Siphon Draw Mbr - Superstition Tuff)(Siphon Draw rhyodacite tuff)(Siphon Draw welded tuff)(Siphon Draw tuff)Apache Leap Tuff - Miocene, [Apache Gap rhyodacite][rhyodacite of Apache Gap], (Willow Creek rhyolites)[rhyolite of First Water Canyon][First Water rhyolites], [Peters Canyon dome complex][Peters Canyon complex](Geronimo Head Fm), (Canyon Lake Mbr - Superstition Tuff)(Canyon Lake welded tuff)(Canyon Lake vitrophyre)(Canyon Lake tuff)Apache Leap Tuff, [Canyon Lake basalt][basalt of Canyon Lake], [Mesquite Flat breccia][epiclastic breccia of Mesquite Flat][fanglomerate of Mesquite Flat] - (Geronimo Head Fm) - Miocene - San Manuel assemblage, [Black Mesa basanite][basanite of Black Mesa][Black Mesa basalt][basalt of Black Mesa][basalt of Hackberry Mesa][Hackberry Mesa basalt] (Superstition Mts.) - (Geronimo Head Fm), (Black Mesa lahars)(breccia of First Water) (Superstition Mts.),