Scarborough, R.B., and Wilt, J.C., 1979, A study of uranium favorability of Cenozoic sedimentary rocks, Basin and Range province of Arizona, Part 1, General geology and chronology of pre-late Miocene Cenozoic sedimentary rocks: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 79-1429, 101 p. [also released as Arizona Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technology Open-File Report 79-01].
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Uranium, Exploration, Clastic Sedimentary, Fanglomerate, Lacustrine Sedimentary, Geochronology, Apsey Conglomerate Mbr - Galiuro Volcanics, San Manuel Fm, Santa Maria basalt, Skull Mesa basalt, Cave Creek area basalt (MA) - [Chalk Canyon fm][fm of Chalk Canyon], Aguila Ridge volcanics, Black Butte basalt (Vulture Mts.), Bonita Creek volcanics - [Guthrie Peak andesite][andesite of Guthrie Peak-Turtle Mountain], Mineta Fm - Oligocene - Whitetail assemblage, Tempe Butte basaltic andesite, Swisshelm Mtns. basalt, Sugarloaf Mesa basalt (Cave Creek area), Horseshoe Dam basalt, [Lake Pleasant volcanics][New River basalt], Hieroglyphic volcanics, Galiuro Volcanics, Pyramid Peak basaltic andesite, Daisy Mtn. dike, Black Canyon basalt (Union Hills area), Tule Wash basalt, Artillery Fm, Yellow Medicine volcanics, Vulture volcanics, Bullard andesite, Box Canyon andesite (Wickenburg area), [Papago Park sediments][Papago Park mbr - Camels Head fm] - Miocene - mid-Tertiary volcanic assemblage, [Cardinal Avenue sediments][limestone at Cardinal Avenue], (Teran Basin beds)(Teran Basin sequence)(sediments of Teran Basin)Mineta Fm, [Adair Park redbeds][redbeds of Adair Park] - Oligocene(?) - Whitetail assemblage, Pantano Fm(Pantano beds) - Miocene/Oligocene, Helmet Fanglomerate, Threelinks Conglomerate, Whitetail Conglomerate(Whitetail Fm), [Babocomari Ranch sediments][redbeds of Babocomari Ranch], (Hackberry fm - San Manuel Fm - Miocene - San Manuel assemblage)Hackberry Wash facies - Cloudburst Fm - Oligocene/Miocene - mid-Tertiary volcanic assemblage, [Locomotive Fanglomerate][Locomotive conglomerate], Sil Murk Fm, [Osborne Wash Fm][fanglomerate of Osborne Wash][Osborne Wash strata] - Miocene/Pliocene - Gila assemblage, Tempe beds, Echo Canyon mbr - Camels Head fm, Lincoln Ranch redbeds, New River Mesa basalt,