Rubel, A.C., 1915-16, Tungsten - Second issue: Arizona Bureau of Mines Bulletin no. 11, 17 p. Authors Rubel, A.C. Citation Arizona Bureau of Mines Bulletin no. 11, 17 p. State AZ Province BR TR County CH MO MA PM SC PN Placenames Dragoon Mts. Chiricahua Mts. Whetstone Mts. Cottonwood Mts. Aquarius Mts. Hualapai Mts. Hieroglyphic Mts. Cave Creek area Little Ajo Mts. Las Guijas Mts. Oracle area Santa Catalina Mts. Nogales area Santa Cruz Valley Bradshaw Mts. Keywords Tungsten Mineralogy More Keywords Tungsten, Mineralogy, AzGeoBib RefNum 8774