Ground-water resources of Peeples Valley, Arizona |
Babcock, H.M., and Brown, S.C. |
1947 |
Original colors preserved in fossil seashells |
McKee, E.D. |
1947 |
Base of the Cambrian system |
Wheeler, H.E. |
1947 |
The mineral composition of the colloidal clay fraction of some Arizona soils |
Robinson, D.O. |
1947 |
Arizona barite |
Mining World |
1947 |
Arizona manganese-silver ores |
Romslo, T.M., and Ravitz, S.F. |
1947 |
Applied geology at the Magma Mine, Superior, Arizona [abs.] |
Michell, W.D. |
1947 |
Geology and ground-water of the Salt River Valley area, Maricopa and Pinal Counties, Arizona |
McDonald, H.R., Wolcott, H.N., and Hem, J.D. |
1947 |
Colorado drainage basin |
Gregory, H.E. |
1947 |
Occurrence of lead-zinc ore at Iron King mine, Prescott, Arizona |
Mills, H.F. |
1947 |
Review of 'The Ajo mining district, Arizona' by James Gilluly (U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 209) |
Butler, B.S. |
1947 |
Concentration of oxide manganese ores from the Artillery Peak deposit, Mohave County, Arizona |
Havens, R., Potter, G.M., and Hussey, S.J. |
1947 |
Revised correlation of Jurassic formations of parts of Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado |
Baker, A.A., Dane, C.H., and Reeside, J.B., Jr. |
1947 |
Redwall Limestone of north-central Arizona [abs.] |
Gutschick, R.C. |
1947 |
Geology and ground-water resources of the Paradise Valley, Maricopa County, Arizona, with a section on Quality of water, by J.D. Hem |
McDonald, H.R., Wolcott, H.N., and Bluhm, F.I. |
1947 |
San Manuel copper deposit, Pinal County, Arizona |
Chapman, T.L. |
1947 |
A guide to the continental Triassic of northern Arizona |
Camp, C.L., Colbert, E.H., McKee, E.D., and Welles, S.P. |
1947 |
Applied geology at the Magma Mine, Superior, Arizona |
Michell, W.D. |
1947 |
Geology of northern Canelo Hills, Santa Cruz County, Arizona |
Feth, J.H. |
1947 |
The geology and ore deposits of the Seventy-Nine mine area, Gila County, Arizona |
Kiersch, G.A. |
1947 |
San Manuel Prospect |
Steele, H.J., and Rubly, G.R. |
1947 |
Johnny Bull-Silver Knight lead-zinc property, Cerbat Mountains, Mohave County, Arizona |
Tainter, S.L. |
1947 |
Analyses of Arizona, California, Idaho, Nevada, and Oregon coals |
U.S. Bureau of Mines |
1947 |
Steeple Rock lead-zinc district, Grant County, New Mexico |
Russell, P.L. |
1947 |
Earthquake history of the United States, Part 1, Continental United States (exclusive of California and western Nevada) and Alaska |
Heck, N.H. |
1947 |
Amargosa (Esperanza) molybdenum-copper property, Pima County, Ariz. |
Tainter, S.L. |
1947 |
Analyses of Arizona, California, Idaho, Nevada, and Oregon coals |
Andrews, D.A., Hendricks, T.A., and Huddle, J.W. |
1947 |
Intertonguing marine and nonmarine Upper Cretaceous deposits of New Mexico, Arizona, and southwestern Colorado |
Pike, W.S., Jr. |
1947 |
Invertebrate tracks from the Coconino sandstone of northern Arizona |
Brady, L.F. |
1947 |
Apex Copper property, Coconino County, Arizona |
Tainter, S.L. |
1947 |
Old Reliable copper mine, Pinal County, Arizona |
Denton, T.C. |
1947 |
Geology and ground-water resources of the Willcox basin, Cochise and Graham Counties, Arizona, with a section on Quality of water, by J.D. Hem |
Jones, R.S., and Cushman, R.L. |
1947 |
Zonia copper mine, Yavapai County, Arizona |
Kumke, C.A. |
1947 |
Some physical characteristics of certain favorable and unfavorable ore horizons - Part I |
Rove, O.N. |
1947 |
Aravaipa lead-zinc deposits, Graham County, Arizona |
Denton, T.C. |
1947 |
A guide to the continental Triassic of Northern Arizona |
Colbert, E.H., and others |
1947 |
Studies of the phytosaurs Machaeroprosopus and Rutidon [Arizona, North Carolina] |
Colbert, E.H. |
1947 |
Sullivan copper mine, Cochise County, Arizona |
Kumke, C.A. |
1947 |
The Fourth of July and Luckie No. 1 and No. 2 fluorspar veins, Greenlee County, Arizona |
Trace, R.D. |
1947 |
Montezuma Well, result of preliminary soundings, July 18, 1947 |
McKee, E.D., Hastings, H., and Colton, H.S. |
1947 |
Milling practice at new lead-zinc concentrator of Phelps Dodge Corporation |
Thompson, R.C. |
1947 |
Hydrothermal alteration in the 'porphyry copper' deposits |
Schwartz, G.M. |
1947 |
Minerals of Arizona - Second edition (Revised) |
Galbraith, F.W. |
1947 |
Antler copper-zinc deposit, Mohave County, Ariz. |
Romslo, T.M. |
1948 |
Structural control of copper mineralization, Bagdad, Arizona, in Mining Geology, 1948 |
Anderson, C.A. |
1948 |
Geothermal gradients, recent climatic changes, and role of sulfide oxidation in the San Manuel district, Arizona |
Lovering, T.S. |
1948 |
Molluscan faunule from Devonian Island Mesa beds, Arizona |
Stoyanow, A.A. |
1948 |
Geology of the Castle Dome copper deposit, Arizona |
Peterson, N.P. |
1948 |
Tabulation of ore reserves and past production for the uranium-vanadium region of Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona |
Fetzer, W.G. |
1948 |
Geomorphology and structure of the West Kaibab fault zone and Kaibab Plateau, Arizona |
Strahler, A.N. |
1948 |
Stratigraphy of the Mancos Shale of the Black Mesa, Arizona |
Adams, L.F. |
1948 |
Quality of water in the upper Colorado River basin |
Howard, C.S. |
1948 |
They left their prints in stone |
Laudermilk, J.D. |
1948 |
Geophysical investigation of possible aquifers in the vicinity of Williams and Moore ranches, Verde River Valley, Arizona |
McDonald, H.R., Wolcott, H.N., and Bluhm, F.I. |
1948 |
Life in an ancient Arizona sea |
Pattison, Halka |
1948 |
Geology of the eastern Hualapai Reservation |
Koons, E.D. |
1948 |
Concentration of miscellaneous oxide manganese ores from Yavapai, Yuma, Maricopa, and Mohave Counties, Arizona |
Long, W.J., Batty, J.V., and Dean, K.C. |
1948 |
San Manuel prospect |
Steele, H.J., and Rubly, G.R. |
1948 |
Correlation of the Mississippian formations of North America |
Weller, J.M., Williams, J.S., Bell, W.A., Dunbar, C.O., Laudon, L.R., Moore, R.C., Stockdale, P.B., Warren, P.S., Caster, K.E., Cooper, C.L., Willard, Bradford, Croneis, Carey, Malott, C.A., Price, P.H., and Sutton, A.H. |
1948 |
Water supply of Date Creek area, Yavapai County, Arizona |
Babcock, H.M., and Brown, S.C. |
1948 |
Features of the canyon country, in Peattie, R., ed., The inverted mountains--canyons of the West |
McKee, E.D. |
1948 |
The inverted mountains: Canyons of the West |
Peattie, R., ed. |
1948 |
Artillery Peak manganese deposits, Mohave County, Arizona |
Sanford, R.S., and Stewart, L.A. |
1948 |
Reptile and amphibian trackways from the Lower Triassic Moenkopi Formation of Arizona and Utah |
Peabody, F.E. |
1948 |
High level gravels of western Grand Canyon |
Koons, E.D. |
1948 |
Gas and oil possibilities of northeast Arizona |
Hager, Dorsey |
1948 |
Arizona, in Precipitates--Southwest |
Mining World |
1948 |
Fossil life of the canyon country, in Peattie, R., ed., The inverted mountains--canyons of the West |
McKee, E.D. |
1948 |
Report on Hack's Canyon uranium mine, Mohave County, Arizona |
Dunning, C.H. |
1948 |
Geology and geography of central Kane County, Utah |
Gregory, H.E. |
1948 |
Permian stratigraphy and structure, northern Canelo Hills, Arizona |
Feth, J.H. |
1948 |
Memorandum on ground-water supply of the Joseph City Irrigation District |
Babcock, H.M. |
1948 |
Rim rocks of Sycamore Canyon, Arizona |
Price, W.E., Jr. |
1948 |
Some considerations regarding potential production of uranium-vanadium ore in Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona |
Fetzer, W.G., Waulters, E.E., and Fischer, R.P. |
1948 |
Some problems of Mississippian stratigraphy in southwestern United States |
Stoyanow, A.A. |
1948 |
Structural control of copper mineralization, Bagdad, Arizona |
Anderson, C.A. |
1948 |
Some considerations regarding potential production of uranium-vanadium ore in Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona |
Fetzer, W.G., Waulters, E.E., and Fischer, R.P. |
1948 |
Radioactive uranium and thorium |
Anthony, J.W., comp. |
1948 |
Reservoirs of the United States |
Harbeck, G.E., Jr. |
1948 |
Montezuma Well |
Schroeder, A.H. |
1948 |
Level divergences, seismic activity, and reservoir loading in the Lake Mead area, Nevada and Arizona |
Carder, D.S., and Small, J.B. |
1948 |
Stratigraphy of the Lower Permian in the Fort Apache Indian Reservation, Arizona |
Winters, S.S. |
1948 |
The Upper Jurassic stratigraphy of Black Mesa, Arizona |
Harshbarger, J.W. |
1948 |
Pediments and pediment-forming processes near House Rock, Arizona |
Miller, V.C. |
1948 |
Geology of the Morgan mine area, Twin Buttes, Arizona |
Whitcomb, H.A. |
1948 |
Christmas copper deposit, Gila County, Ariz. |
Tainter, S.L. |
1948 |
Field tests for the common metals (Ninth edition) |
Fansett, G.R. |
1948 |
Geology and ground-water resources of the Gila Bend Basin, Maricopa County, Arizona, with a section on quality of water, by J.D. Hem |
Babcock, H.M., and Kendall, K.K. |
1948 |
Geomorphology of the valley of the Little Colorado River, Arizona |
Childs, O.E. |
1948 |
Oxidation and enrichment in the San Manuel copper deposit, Arizona |
Schwartz, G.M. |
1949 |
Thrust faulting in the Empire Mountains, southeastern Arizona [abs.] |
Galbraith, F.W. |
1949 |
Structure in the Arizona-Nevada boundary area [abs.] |
Longwell, C.R. |
1949 |
Investigation of Keystone and St. George copper-zinc deposits, Cochise County, Arizona |
Romslo, T.M. |
1949 |
Paleotectonic and paleogeologic maps of central and western North America |
Eardley, A.J. |
1949 |
The Mountain Maid ore body, Bisbee, Arizona |
Peng, C.-J. |
1949 |
Geology of the Helvetia mining district, Pima County, Arizona [abs.] |
Johnson, V.H. |
1949 |
The Verde River, Part I |
Parker, C.F. |
1949 |
Geology of the Helvetia mining district, Pima County, Arizona [abs.] |
Johnson, V.H. |
1949 |
The Verde River, Part II |
Parker, C.F. |
1949 |
Geology and ore deposits of the Wallapai district, Mohave County, Arizona |
Thomas, B.E. |
1949 |