New assessments of uranium endowment for two regions in the United States, in Dickinson, K.A., ed., Short papers of the U.S. Geological Survey Uranium Workshop, 1990 |
Finch, W.I., Pierson, C.T., McCammon, R.B., Otton, J.K., Sutphin, H.B., and Wenrich, K.J. |
1992 |
The Bagdad Reflection Sequence as tabular mafic intrusions: Evidence from seismic modeling of mapped exposures |
Litak, R.K., and Hauser, E.C. |
1992 |
Groundwater flow and contaminant transport model, central Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona |
Corell, S.W. |
1992 |
Climatic variability and flood frequency of the Santa Cruz River, Pima County, Arizona |
Webb, R.H., and Betancourt, J.L. |
1992 |
Rustler Park quadrangle, Cochise County, Arizona - Analytic data and geologic sample catalog, Chapter B, in Geologic sampling of the Chiricahua Mountains, Arizona |
du Bray, E.A., Yager, D.B., and Pallister, J.S. |
1992 |
Geologic map of Catalina core complex and San Pedro trough, Pima, Pinal, Gila, Graham, and Cochise Counties, Arizona |
Dickinson, W.R. |
1992 |
The copper industry's impact on the Arizona economy, 1991, A report on the contributions of the copper industry to personal, business, and government income in Arizona in 1991 |
Leaming, G.F. |
1992 |
Radon gas: A geologic hazard in Arizona |
Spencer, J.E. |
1992 |
Annual summary of ground-water conditions in Arizona, Spring 1986 to Spring 1987 |
Konieczki, A.D., and Wilson, R.P. |
1992 |
Results of ground-water, surface-water, and water-quality monitoring, Black Mesa area, northeastern Arizona - 1989-90, with a section on Simulation of effects of pumping, by D.J. Bills and J.G. Brown |
Sottilare, J.P. |
1992 |
Index to published geologic maps of Arizona - 1989 |
McGarvin, T.G. |
1992 |
Geology and mineral resources of the Sierra Estrella, Maricopa County, Arizona (updated September, 1993) [originally entitled 'Geologic map of the Sierra Estrella, Maricopa County, Arizona'] |
Melchiorre, E.B. |
1992 |
Geologic map of the Red Pockets quadrangle, Mohave County, Arizona |
Bohannon, R.G. |
1992 |
Cibola Pass fault, southwestern Arizona, in Richard, S.M., ed., Deformation associated with the Neogene Eastern California Shear Zone, southeastern California and southwestern Arizona |
Richard, S.M., Sherrod, D.R., and Tosdal, R.M. |
1992 |
Organic matter and uranium in solution-collapse breccia pipes of northern Arizona and San Rafael Swell, Utah, in Dickinson, K.A., ed., Short papers of the U.S. Geological Survey Uranium Workshop, 1990 |
Wenrich, K.J., and Palacas, J.G. |
1992 |
Annual static water level basic data report, Tucson Basin and Avra Valley, Pima County, Arizona, 1990 |
Johnson, B.R., dir. |
1992 |
The geochemistry of surface water and groundwater interactions for selected Black Mesa drainages, Little Colorado River Basin, Arizona |
Wickham, Matthew |
1992 |
An occurrence of bixbyite, spessartine, topaz and pseudobrookite from Ash Creek near Hayden, Arizona |
White, J.S., Jr. |
1992 |
DRASTIC analysis of the potential for groundwater pollution in Pinal County, Arizona, with A fissures study, by Steven Slaff |
Moulton, D.L. |
1992 |
Pinal Active Management Area Second Management Plan, Simulation of water use scenarios utilizing the Pinal AMA Regional Groundwater Flow Model |
Corkhill, E.F., and Plato, P.R. |
1992 |
Fife Peak quadrangle, Cochise County, Arizona - Analytic data and geologic sample catalog, Chapter A, in Geologic sampling of the Chiricahua Mountains, Arizona |
du Bray, E.A., Yager, D.B., and Pallister, J.S. |
1992 |
The Black Forest Bed, a distinctive unit in the upper Triassic Chinle Formation, northeastern Arizona |
Ash, S.R. |
1992 |
Structural analysis of the early Proterozoic northern Shylock Shear zone, central Arizona [abs.] |
Villalovos, A.J., and Karlstrom, K.E. |
1992 |
Verde River advanced identification, functions and values of the riparian ecosystem of the upper Verde River and assessment of the adverse impacts to these resources |
Sullivan, M.E., and Richardson, M.E. |
1992 |
Geomorphic analysis of flood hazards on the northern McDowell Mountains piedmont, Maricopa County |
Pearthree, P.A., and Wellendorf, W.G. |
1992 |
Geologic map of the Red Hill quadrangle, La Paz County, Arizona |
Richard, S.M. |
1992 |
Geologic map of the Poachie Range, Mohave and Yavapai Counties, Arizona [Arrastra Mtn. NE, Arrastra Mtn., and Signal Mtn. 7.5 min.] |
Bryant, Bruce |
1992 |
Gold-bearing collapse-breccia pipe, Copper Mountain, northwestern Arizona, in Dickinson, K.A., ed., Short papers of the U.S. Geological Survey Uranium Workshop, 1990 |
Adamek, Paul, Behr, H.J., and von Pechmann, Edmund |
1992 |
Organic matter diagenesis as the key to a unifying theory for the genesis of tabular uranium-vanadium deposits in the Morrison Formation, Colorado Plateau |
Hansley, P.L., and Spirakis, C.S. |
1992 |
Implications of paleomagnetic data on Miocene extension near a major accommodation zone in the Basin and Range Province, northwestern Arizona and southern Nevada |
Faulds, J.E., Geissman, J.W., and Shafiqullah, Muhammad |
1992 |
Development of seismic acceleration contour maps for Arizona - Final report |
Euge, K.M., Schell, B.A., and Lam, I.P. |
1992 |
Apatite and zircon fission-track dates from the northern Plomosa Mountains, La Paz County, west-central Arizona |
Foster, D.A., and Spencer, J.E. |
1992 |
Geologic map of the Red Hill NE quadrangle, La Paz and Yuma Counties, Arizona |
Richard, S.M. |
1992 |
Relationship between collapse history and ore distribution in the Sage Breccia Pipe, northwestern Arizona, in Dickinson, K.A., ed., Short papers of the U.S. Geological Survey Uranium Workshop, 1990 |
Brown, N.A., Mead, R.H., and McMurray, J.M. |
1992 |
Engineering geology of the Miner Flat dam, Navajo County, Arizona |
Robinson, C.S., and Robinson, C.H. |
1992 |
Grade and tonnage model of thorium-rare-earth veins, in Bliss, J.D., ed., Developments in mineral deposit modeling |
Bliss, J.D. |
1992 |
Stromatolites of the Mescal Limestone (Apache Group, middle Proterozoic, central Arizona): Taxonomy, biostratigraphy, and paleoenvironments |
Bertrand-Sarfati, Janine, and Awramik, S.M. |
1992 |
Geologic map of the Fife Peak quadrangle, Cochise County, Arizona |
Pallister, J.S., and du Bray, E.A. |
1992 |
Maps showing groundwater conditions in the Eloy and Maricopa-Stanfield sub-basins of the Pinal Active Management Area, Pinal, Pima, and Maricopa Counties, Arizona - 1989 |
Hammett, B.A. |
1992 |
Arizona Geological Survey, Annual Report, FY 1991-92 |
Fellows, L.D. |
1992 |
Geologic map of the Imperial Reservoir quadrangle, Yuma County, Arizona and Imperial County, California |
Richard, S.M. |
1992 |
Pliocene subaqueous fans and Gilbert-type deltas in maar crater lakes, Hopi Buttes, Navajo Nation (Arizona), USA |
White, J.D.L. |
1992 |
Hydrologic data from the study of acidic contamination in the Miami Wash-Pinal Creek area, Arizona, Water years 1990-91 |
Longsworth, S.A., and Taylor, A.M. |
1992 |
The use of environmental tracers to determine relationships among aquifers in the Lower San Pedro River Basin, Arizona |
Rice, G.F. |
1991 |
Use of low-sun angle photography for identification of subsidence-induced earth fissures, in Johnson, A.I., ed., Land subsidence: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Land Subsidence, held at Houston, Texas, 12-17 May 1991 |
Beckwith, G.H., Slemmons, D.B., and Weeks, R.E. |
1991 |
Tectonic setting of faulted Tertiary strata associated with the Catalina core complex in southern Arizona |
Dickinson, W.R. |
1991 |
Verde River Corridor - Clarkdale, an ecological inventory and analysis |
Averitt, Elaine, Coltman, V.N., DelMonte, Graceann, Duvall, Jeanne, Gelfand, Donna, and Toliver, Timothy |
1991 |
Variation of radon levels in U.S. homes correlated with house characteristics, location, and socioeconomic factors |
Cohen, B.L. |
1991 |
Geologic map of the western half of the Young quadrangle [15 min], northern Sierra Anchas, and geologic map of the Marsh Creek area; Diamond Butte and Young quadrangles [15 min] - Gila County, Arizona [Oxbow Mtn., and Young 7.5 min] |
Labrenz, M.E. |
1991 |
Wind-reworked carbonates, Permo-Pennsylvanian of Arizona and Nevada |
Rice, J.A., and Loope, D.B. |
1991 |
Evaluation of the tectonic significance of the Proterozoic Slate Creek shear zone in the Tonto Basin area, in Karlstrom, K.E., ed., Proterozoic geology and ore deposits of Arizona |
Wessels, R.L., and Karlstrom, K.E. |
1991 |
The Miocene dike swarm of the Mohave Mountains, Arizona: Petrography, geochemistry, geochronology, and paleomagnetism |
Pease, V.L. |
1991 |
Solute transport in perennial streamflow at Pinal Creek, Arizona, in Mallard, G.E., and Aronson, D.A., eds., U.S. Geological Survey Toxic Substances Hydrology Program - Technical meeting, Monterey, California, March 11-15, 1991, Proceedings |
Eychaner, J.H. |
1991 |
Anatomy of a metamorphic core complex: Seismic refraction/wide-angle reflection profiling in southeastern California and western Arizona |
McCarthy, Jill, Larkin, S.P., Fuis, G.S., Simpson, R.W., and Howard, K.A. |
1991 |
Temporal-microgravity measurements of aquifer storage change and specific yield along Pinal Creek, Central Arizona [abs.] |
Pool, D.R., and Eychaner, J.H. |
1991 |
Structural geology of a Proterozoic foreland thrust-system in the vicinity of Barnhardt Canyon, central Mazatzal Mountains, central Arizona |
Doe, M.F. |
1991 |
Hydrologic and geochemical approaches for determining ground-water flow components, in Ritter, W.F., ed., Irrigation and drainage, Proceedings of the 1991 National Conference |
Hjalmarson, H.W., and Robertson, F.N. |
1991 |
Geologic map of the Mountain Sheep Springs quadrangle, Mohave County, Arizona [Mountain Sheep Spring 7.5 min] |
Bohannon, R.G., Lucchitta, I., and Anderson, R.E. |
1991 |
Role of crustal thickening and extensional collapse in the tectonic evolution of the Sevier-Laramide orogeny, western United States |
Livaccari, R.F. |
1991 |
Style of volcanism and extensional tectonics in the eastern Basin and Range province: Northern Mohave County, Arizona |
Cascadden, T.E. |
1991 |
Paleomagnetism of three Upper Jurassic ash-flow sheets in southeastern Arizona: Implications for regional deformation |
Hagstrum, J.T., and Lipman, P.W. |
1991 |
Variation of radon levels in U.S. homes with various factors |
Cohen, B.L. |
1991 |
Geologic map of the Jakes Corner area and geologic cross-section of Early Proterozoic rocks of the Jakes Corner area, northern Sierra Anchas, Gila County, Arizona [Gisela, Sheep Basin Mtn., Picture Mtn., and Kayler Butte 7.5 min] |
Wessels, R.L., and Karlstrom, K.E. |
1991 |
Map showing groundwater conditions in the Sacramento Valley Basin, Mohave County, Arizona -- 1990 |
Rascona, S.J. |
1991 |
Trace-element zonation in garnets from The Thumb: Heating and infiltration below the Colorado Plateau |
Smith, Douglas, Griffin, W.L., Ryan, C.G., and Soey, H.S. |
1991 |
Jurassic Lake T'oo'dichi': A large alkaline, saline lake, Morrison Formation, eastern Colorado Plateau |
Turner, C.E., and Fishman, N.S. |
1991 |
Implications of low-temperature cooling history on a transect across the Colorado Plateau-Basin and Range Boundary, west central Arizona |
Bryant, Bruce, Naeser, C.W., and Fryxell, J.E. |
1991 |
Structure and stratigraphy of Early Proterozoic rocks, Breadpan Mountain area, northern Sierra Ancha, Arizona, in Karlstrom, K.E., ed., Proterozoic geology and ore deposits of Arizona |
Sherlock, S.M., and Karlstrom, K.E. |
1991 |
Manganese minerals and associated fine particulates in the Pinal Creek streambed, in Mallard, G.E., and Aronson, D.A., eds., U.S. Geological Survey Toxic Substances Hydrology Program - Technical meeting, Monterey, California, March 11-15... |
Lind, Carol |
1991 |
Modifications to the Second Management Plan, 1999-2000, Tucson Active Management Area |
Arizona Department of Water Resources |
1991 |
An axial view of a metamorphic core complex: Crustal structure of the Whipple and Chemehuevi Mountains, southeastern California |
Wilson, J.M., McCarthy, J., Johnson, R.A., and Howard, K.A. |
1991 |
Energy resources of Arizona |
Duncan, J.T., and Mancini, F.P. |
1991 |
AZGEOBIB, a preliminary list of references on the geology of Arizona |
Schmidt, Nancy, Reynolds, S.J., and Horstman, K.C. |
1991 |
Intermediate and mafic volcanic rocks of the northern White Hills, Arizona: Implications for the production of intermediate composition volcanic rocks during regional extension [abs.] |
Cascadden, T.E., and Smith, E.I. |
1991 |
Hydrogeology of the San Xavier Mining Laboratory and Geophysics Test Site and surrounding area |
Bohannon, S.J. |
1991 |
Gravity and aeromagnetic anomaly maps of the Ajo and Lukeville 1o x 2o quadrangles, southwestern Arizona |
Klein, D.P., and Kucks, R.P. |
1991 |
Radon levels in United States homes by states and counties |
Cohen, B.L., and Shaw, R.S. |
1991 |
Measurement of stream reaeration at Pinal Creek, Arizona, in Mallard, G.E., and Aronson, D.A., eds., U.S. Geological Survey Toxic Substances Hydrology Program - Technical meeting, Monterey, California, March 11-15, 1991, Proceedings |
Longsworth, S.A. |
1991 |
Geologic map of the northern Mazatzal Mountains and geologic cross-sections of the South Fork of Deadman Creek and Barnhardt - Shake Tree Canyon, central Arizona [North Peak, Mazatzal Peak, Table Mountain, and Cypress Butte 7.5 min] |
Doe, M.F. |
1991 |
Restoration for Arizona aquifers |
Rathnau, M.M. |
1991 |
Evidence for flexural shear folding associated with extensional faults |
Higgs, W.G., Williams, G.D., and Powell, C.M. |
1991 |
Regional/areal reconnaissance and investigation of candidate areas/sites, Chap. 18, in Kiersch, G.A., ed., The heritage of engineering geology; the first hundred years |
Kiersch, G.A. |
1991 |
Geologic setting and Tertiary structural evolution of southwestern Arizona and southeastern California |
Sherrod, D.R., and Tosdal, R.M. |
1991 |
Timing of the Mazatzal orogeny: Constraints from the Young granite, Pleasant Valley, Arizona, in Karlstrom, K.E., ed., Proterozoic geology and ore deposits of Arizona |
Labrenz, M.E., and Karlstrom, K.E. |
1991 |
Earth-fissure movements associated with fluctuations in ground-water levels near Picacho Mountains, south-central Arizona, 1980-84 |
Carpenter, M.C. |
1991 |
Application of MINTEQA2 to the speciation of contaminants at Globe, Arizona, in Mallard, G.E., and Aronson, D.A., eds., U.S. Geological Survey Toxic Substances Hydrology Program - Technical meeting, Monterey, California, March 11-15,... |
Novo-Gradac, K.J., and Smith, C.N. |
1991 |
Crustal resistivity structure from magnetotelluric soundings in the Colorado Plateau - Basin and Range Provinces, central and western Arizona |
Klein, D.P. |
1991 |
Tank Mountains obsidian - A newly discovered archaeological obsidian source in east-central Yuma County, Arizona |
Shackley, M.S. |
1991 |
Refrigeration of the western Cordilleran lithosphere during Laramide shallow-angle subduction |
Dumitru, T.A., Gans, P.B., Foster, D.A., and Miller, E.L. |
1991 |
Geologic map of the Peacock Mountains and southern Grand Wash Cliffs, including Peacock Peak, Antares, Hackberry, Valentine, and the southern half of the Music Mountain SE [Music Mountains SE], and Milkweed Canyon SW 7 1/2 minute... |
Albin, A.L. |
1991 |
Geohydrology and chemical quality of ground water, San Bernardino National Wildlife Refuge, Arizona |
Longsworth, S.A. |
1991 |
Early Proterozoic ophiolite, central Arizona |
Dann, J.C. |
1991 |
Relation between sediment yield and gradient on debris-covered hillslopes, Walnut Gulch, Arizona |
Abrahams, A.D., and Parsons, A.J. |
1991 |
Errors of geologic judgement and the impact on engineering works, Chap. 23, in Kiersch, G.A., ed., The heritage of engineering geology; the first hundred years |
Kiersch, G.A., and James, L.B. |
1991 |
Intrusion of horizontal dikes: Tectonic significance of Middle Proterozoic diabase sheets widespread in the upper crust of the southwestern United States |
Howard, K.A. |
1991 |
Quaternary paleoclimates, in Morrison, R.B., ed., Quaternary nonglacial geology: Conterminous U.S. |
Smiley, T.L., Bryson, R.A., King, J.E., Kukla, G.J., and Smith, G.I. |
1991 |
Proterozoic geology of the Phoenix region, central Arizona, in Karlstrom, K.E., ed., Proterozoic geology and ore deposits of Arizona |
Reynolds, S.J., and DeWitt, E. |
1991 |
Water resources data, Arizona, Water year 1990 |
Boner, F.C., Konieczki, A.D., and Davis, R.G. |
1991 |
Simulation of copper, cobalt, and nickel sorption in an alluvial aquifer near Globe, Arizona, in Mallard, G.E., and Aronson, D.A., eds., U.S. Geological Survey Toxic Substances Hydrology Program - Technical meeting, Monterey, California,... |
Stollenwerk, K.G. |
1991 |
Regional gravity studies in southeastern California, western Arizona, and southern Nevada |
Mickus, K.L., and James, W.C. |
1991 |