Sedimentary cover--North American craton: U.S. |
Sloss, L.L., ed. |
1988 |
Structural studies of two strongly deformed terranes in California and Arizona |
Goodwin, L.B. |
1988 |
Bibliographic conventions of the Arizona Geological Survey |
Horstman, K.C., VandenDolder, E.M., and Reynolds, S.J. |
1988 |
A multidisciplinary analysis of the hydrogeology of the Maricopa Superconducting Super Collider (SSC) Site, Maricopa County |
Brooks, S.J. |
1988 |
Seismicity of Arizona - A brief overview, in Anderson, Larry, and Piety, Lucy, eds., Field-Trip guidebook to the Tonto Basin: Geomorphology, Quaternary geology, Tertiary basin development, archeology, and engineering geology |
LaForge, Roland |
1988 |
Strontium isotopic compositions of igneous rocks at the San Manuel-Kalamazoo porphyry copper deposit, Pinal County, Arizona |
Welty, J.W. |
1988 |
Mantle cryptology |
Zindler, Alan, and Jagoutz, Emil |
1988 |
Proterozoic crustal boundary in NW Arizona - Evidence from zircon systematics and Pb isotopes [abs.] |
Chamberlain, K.R., and Bowring, S.A. |
1988 |
Hoover Dam; an American adventure |
Stevens, J.E. |
1988 |
Structure, metamorphism, and tectonic significance of the Pelona, Orocopia, and Rand schists, southern California, in Ernst, W.G., ed., Metamorphism and crustal evolution of the western United States (Rubey Volume 7) |
Jacobson, C.E., Dawson, M.R., and Postlethwaite, C. E. |
1988 |
Geometry of Upper Cretaceous bentonite beds: Implications about volcanic source areas and paleowind patterns, western interior, United States |
Elder, W.P. |
1988 |
Vertebrate paleontology and taphonomy of caves in Grand Canyon, Arizona |
Emslie, S.D. |
1988 |
Mineral resources of the Harquahala Mountains Wilderness Study Area, La Paz and Maricopa Counties, Arizona, Chapter C, in Mineral Resources of Wilderness Study Areas - Western Arizona and part of San Bernardino County, California |
DeWitt, Ed, Richard, S.M., Hassemer, J.R., Hanna, W.F., and Thompson, J.R. |
1988 |
Quantitative analysis of the interrelationship of structural trends, lithologies, and drainage patterns with the distribution of erosional features in Monument Valley, Arizona-Utah [abs.] |
Best, D.M., Hill, R.M., Kelly, M.M., Malone, M.A., and Sanders, C.M. |
1988 |
Monument Creek debris flow, 1984: Implications for formation of rapids on the Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park |
Webb, R.H., Pringle, P.T., Reneau, S.L., and Rink, G.R. |
1988 |
Wind directions predicted from global circulation models and wind directions determined from eolian sandstones of the western United States - A comparison |
Parrish, J.T., and Peterson, Fred |
1988 |
Isotope evidence for fluid-rock interaction and fluid mixing at the United Verde volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit, Jerome, Arizona [abs.] |
Gustin, M.S. |
1988 |
SE-termination of Buckskin-Bullard detachment fault, west-central Arizona: One versus many normal faults [abs.] |
Richard, S.M., Fryxell, J.E., Reynolds, S.J., and Grubensky, M.J. |
1988 |
Problems of dating the Peach Springs Tuff [abs.] |
Nielson, J.E., Glazner, A.F., and Lux, D.R. |
1988 |
Paleomagnetic record for western conterminous United States: Tectonic significance [abs.] |
Beck, M.E., Jr. |
1988 |
Hydraulic map of House Rock Rapids, Grand Canyon, Arizona |
Kieffer, S.W. |
1988 |
Mid-Tertiary volcanoes in the Lake Mead area of southern Nevada and northwestern Arizona, in Weide, D.L., and Faber, M.L., eds., This extended land, geological journeys in the southern Basin and Range, Field Trip Guidebook, Geological... |
Smith, E.I., Schmidt, C.S., and Mills, J.G. |
1988 |
Stress and fracture evolution in a cooling pluton: An example from the Diamond Joe stock, western Arizona, U.S.A. |
Gerla, P.J. |
1988 |
Random survey of VOC's, pesticides and inorganics in Arizona's drinking water wells, in FOCUS Conference on Southwestern Ground Water Issues March 23-25, 1988, Proceedings |
Ellingson, S.B., and Redding, M.B. |
1988 |
Living in a vale of tiers - A brief history of cultural development in Tonto Basin, in Anderson, Larry, and Piety, Lucy, eds., Field-Trip guidebook to the Tonto Basin: Geomorphology, Quaternary geology, Tertiary basin development,... |
Wood, J.S. |
1988 |
Multicriterion analysis of forest watershed management alternatives |
Tecle, Aregai, Fogel, M.M., and Duckstein, Lucien |
1988 |
Additions to bibliographies for metallic mineral districts in Cochise, Graham, Greenlee, La Paz, Mohave, Pima, Santa Cruz, and Yuma Counties, Arizona |
Welty, J.W. |
1988 |
Reconstruction of extensionally dismembered lower Mesozoic sedimentary basins [abs.] |
Marzolf, J.E. |
1988 |
Early Tertiary reorganization of stresses, southwestern Colorado Plateau, Arizona - observed strain and a hypothesis on cause [abs.] |
Huntoon, P.W. |
1988 |
Reconnaissance gamma-ray spectrometer survey of radon-decay products in selected populated areas of Arizona |
Emer, D.F., Shenk, J.D., and Spencer, J.E. |
1988 |
Changes in volcanism during declining stages of regional extension in the Lake Mead area, Nevada and Arizona [abs.] |
Feuerbach, D.L., and Smith, E.I. |
1988 |
Mineral resources of the Wabayuma Peak Wilderness Study Area (AZ-020-037/043), Mohave County, Arizona |
Chatman, M.L. |
1988 |
Mid-crustal Cretaceous roots of Cordilleran metamorphic core complexes |
Anderson, J.L., Barth, A.P., and Young, E.D. |
1988 |
The Copperstone Mine: Arizona's new gold producer |
Spencer, J.E., Duncan, J.T., and Burton, W.D. |
1988 |
Pennsylvanian to Jurassic eolian transportation systems in the western United States |
Peterson, Fred |
1988 |
Estimation of spatial recharge using environmental isotopes and hydrochemical data: II. Application to Aravaipa Valley in southern Arizona, U.S.A. |
Adar, E.M., and Neuman, S.P. |
1988 |
Basin development during Tertiary detachment faulting, Whipple Mountains, southeastern California [abs.] |
Beratan, K.K. |
1988 |
Hydraulic map of Granite Rapids, Grand Canyon, Arizona |
Kieffer, S.W. |
1988 |
Reconstruction of Late Triassic and Early and Middle Jurassic sedimentary basins: Southwestern Colorado Plateau to the eastern Mohave Desert, in Weide, D.L., and Faber, M.L., eds., This extended land, geological journeys in the southern... |
Marzolf, J.E. |
1988 |
Arizona industrial minerals and rocks |
Peirce, H.W., and Shenk, J.D. |
1988 |
Fracture-accommodated strain in the Diamond Joe stock, Arizona |
Rogers, R.D., and Gerla, P.J. |
1988 |
The role of lithospheric mantle in the generation of Late Cenozoic basic magmas in the western United States, in Menzies, M.A., and Cox, K.G., eds., Oceanic and Continental Lithosphere - similarities and differences |
Fitton, J.G., James, D., Kempton, P.D., Ormerod, D.S., and Leeman, W.P. |
1988 |
Correlation of stratigraphic units in North America - Central and southern Rockies region correlation chart |
Kent, H.C., Couch, E.L., and Knepp, R.A., coords. |
1988 |
Paleomagnetic poles from Cambrian, Devonian, Pennsylvanian, and Permian strata of Arizona and Montana [abs.] |
Elston, D.P. |
1988 |
U.S. Geological Survey radiometric ages - Compilation 'C'; Part two: Arizona and New Mexico |
Marvin, R.F., Mehnert, H.H., and Naeser, C.W. |
1988 |
Geometry and kinematics of a major accommodation zone in the highly extended upper-plate rocks of the northern Colorado River trough, northwestern Arizona and southern Nevada [abs.] |
Faulds, J.E., Mawer, C.K., and Geissman, J.W. |
1988 |
Complexities in eolian and marine interactions: Processes and eustatic controls on erg development |
Chan, M.A., and Kocurek, Gary |
1988 |
Geology and geochemistry of mid-Tertiary volcanic rocks in the eastern Chiricahua Mountains, southeastern Arizona |
Bryan, C.R. |
1988 |
The Papago terrane: A crustal anomaly in south-central Arizona and north-central Sonora [abs.] |
Haxel, G.B., Anderson, T.H., Riggs, N.R., and Goodwin, L.G. |
1988 |
Holocene alluvial geology and geoarchaeology of the San Xavier reach of the Santa Cruz River, Arizona |
Waters, M.R. |
1988 |
Abstracts of the symposium of the geology and mineral deposits of the Ajo and Lukeville 1o x 2o quadrangles, Arizona |
Gray, Floyd, comp. |
1988 |
Cenozoic structural and geomorphic evolution of part of the Transition Zone, Salt River Canyon region, east-central Arizona, in Anderson, Larry, and Piety, Lucy, eds., Field-Trip guidebook to the Tonto Basin: Geomorphology, Quaternary... |
Faulds, J.E. |
1988 |
An example of a northern Arizona solution-collapse breccia pipe - Geology of the Pigeon Pipe [abs.] |
Schafer, R.N. |
1988 |
The history of deformation and fluid phenomena in the top of the Wilderness Suite, Santa Catalina Mountains, Pima County, Arizona |
Young, D.P. |
1988 |
Preliminary geologic map of the Monkeys Head quadrangle, Mohave and La Paz Counties, Arizona |
Sherrod, D.R. |
1988 |
Arizona Geological Society Spring Field Trip 1988, Field Trip to Bighorn mine, Socorro Mine, and Copperstone Mine, Arizona |
Dummett, H., and Colburn, N. |
1988 |
Geologic map of Catalina Core Complex and San Pedro Trough, Pima, Pinal, Gila, Graham, and Cochise Counties, Arizona |
Dickinson, W.R. |
1988 |
Uranium procurement and geologic investigations of the Manhattan Project in Arizona |
Chenoweth, W.L. |
1988 |
General hydrogeology of the aquifers of Mesozoic age, upper Colorado River basin - excluding the San Juan Basin - Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, and Arizona |
Freethey, G.W., Kimball, B.A., Wilberg, D.E., and Hood, J.W. |
1988 |
Hydraulic map of Lava Falls Rapids, Grand Canyon, Arizona |
Kieffer, S.W. |
1988 |
Geometry and kinematics of a Miocene 'accommodation zone' in the central Black and southern Eldorado Mountains, Arizona and Nevada, in Weide, D.L., and Faber, M.L., eds., This extended land, geological journeys in the southern Basin and... |
Faulds, J.E., Hillemeyer, F.L., and Smith, E.I. |
1988 |
Paleomagnetic constraints on late Proterozoic-Cambrian continental reconstruction [abs.] |
Elston, D.P. |
1988 |
Potential for aquifer compaction, land subsidence, and earth fissures in Avra Valley, Pima and Pinal Counties, Arizona |
Anderson, S.R. |
1988 |
Characterization of water interaction with the Apache Leap Tuff, Superior, Arizona, using stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen |
Rogoff, E.B. |
1988 |
Index to published geologic maps of Arizona - 1987 |
McGarvin, T.G., comp. |
1988 |
Controls on late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eolian deposition of the western United States |
Marzolf, J.E. |
1988 |
Reconnaissance assessment of Quaternary faulting in the Gila region from San Carlos Reservoir to Coolidge, Arizona |
Scarborough, R.B., and Pearthree, P.A. |
1988 |
The seismically reflective crust beneath highly extended terranes: Evidence for its origin in extension |
Goodwin, E.B., and Thompson, G.A. |
1988 |
Geologic map of the Ajo and Lukeville 1o by 2o quadrangles, southwest Arizona |
Gray, Floyd, Miller, R.J., Grubensky, M.J., Tosdal, R.M., Haxel, G.B., Peterson, D.W., May, D.J., and Silver, L.T. |
1988 |
Paleofloods on the Salt and Verde Rivers, in Anderson, Larry, and Piety, Lucy, eds., Field-Trip guidebook to the Tonto Basin: Geomorphology, Quaternary geology, Tertiary basin development, archeology, and engineering geology |
Ely, L.L., and O'Connor, J.E. |
1988 |
Characteristics and implications of Triassic and Jurassic granitoids in the San Gabriel, Mule, and Trigo Mountains, southern California and southwestern Arizona [abs.] |
Barth, A.P., Tosdal, R.M., and Wooden, J.L. |
1988 |
Distribution of fluoride in ground water in the alluvial basins of Arizona and adjacent parts of California, Nevada, and New Mexico |
Robertson, F.N., and Garrett, W.B. |
1988 |
Arizona ground-water quality, in Moody, D.W., Carr, Jerry, Chase, E.B., and Paulson, R.W., compilers, National Water Summary, 1986, Hydrologic Events and Ground-Water Quality |
Kister, L.R., Radtke, D.B., and Graf, C. |
1988 |
Cathodoluminescence petrology of the Coconino Sandstone, Meteor Crater, Arizona [abs.] |
Owen, M.R. |
1988 |
Early Proterozoic assembly of tectonostratigraphic terranes in southwestern North America |
Karlstrom, K.E., and Bowring, S.A. |
1988 |
Background radioactivity in selected areas of Arizona and implications for indoor-radon levels |
Spencer, J.E., Emer, D.F., and Shenk, J.D. |
1988 |
The production history and geology of the Hacks, Ridenour, Riverview, and Chapel breccia pipes, northwestern Arizona |
Chenoweth, W.L. |
1988 |
Bed forms in layer 1 of the Peach Springs Tuff ignimbrite: Transport processes during the blast phase of the eruption [abs.] |
Valentine, G.A. |
1988 |
Ductile to brittle structural evolution at Mesquite Mountain, west-central Arizona [abs.] |
Knapp, J.H. |
1988 |
Hydraulic map of Horn Creek Rapids, Grand Canyon, Arizona |
Kieffer, S.W. |
1988 |
Mineral resources of the Aravaipa study area, Graham and Pinal Counties, Arizona |
Scott, D.C. |
1988 |
Illite K-Ar dating and the Catalina detachment fault [abs.] |
Shafiqullah, Muhammed, Pierce, H.W., and Damon, P.E. |
1988 |
A chronology of episodic Laramide tectonism in northwestern Arizona [abs.] |
Young, R.A. |
1988 |
Trace element and isotopic characteristics of eclogites and other xenoliths derived from the lower continental crust of southeastern Australia and southwestern Colorado Plateau, U.S.A., in Smith, D.C., ed., Eclogites and eclogite-facies... |
Arculus, R.J., Ferguson, J., Chappell, B.W., Smith D., McCulloch, M.T., Jackson, I., Hensel, H.D., Taylor, S.R., Knutson, J., and Gust, D.A. |
1988 |
The Colorado Plateau uranium province, USA, with contributions by C.S. Bromfield, J.S. Duval, V.J. Grauch, M.W. Green, F.A. Hills, Fred Peterson, C.T. Pierson, R.F. Sanford, C.S. Spirakis, and R.R. Wahl, in Recognition of uranium... |
Granger, H.C., and Finch, W.I. |
1988 |
Preliminary evidence for fractionation of stable chlorine isotopes in Mississippi Valley-type and porphyry copper hydrothermal systems [abs.] |
Eastoe, C.J., Guilbert, J.M., and Kaufmann, R.S. |
1988 |
Additional geotechnical engineering investigations for Arizona's Maricopa SSC site |
Nowatzki, E.A., Muller, Eugene, DeNatale, J.S., Ibarra-Encinas, G.A., Al-Ghanem, A.M.F., and Welty, J.W. |
1988 |
Basin tectonics and erg response |
Blakey, R.C. |
1988 |
Geologic map of the southern Hieroglyphic Mountains, central Arizona [Baldy Mtn., and Hieroglyphic Mts. SW 7.5 min] |
Wahl, D.E., Jr., Reynolds, S.J., Capps, R.C., Kortemeier, C.P., Grubensky, M.J., Scott, E.A., and Stimac, J.A. |
1988 |
The formation of continental crust: Part 1. A review of some principales; Part 2. An application to the Proterozoic evolution of southern North America |
Bickford, M.E. |
1988 |
Latest Proterozoic and Paleozoic margin of North America and the accretion of Mexico |
Stewart, J.H. |
1988 |
Modification of Theodore Roosevelt Dam, in Anderson, Larry, and Piety, Lucy, eds., Field-Trip guidebook to the Tonto Basin: Geomorphology, Quaternary geology, Tertiary basin development, archeology, and engineering geology |
Sturm, J.F. |
1988 |
Pages of stone; geology of western National Parks and Monuments. 4 - Grand Canyon and the Plateau country |
Chronic, H. |
1988 |
Rotation of the Colorado Plateau: An updated analysis of paleomagnetic data [abs.] |
Bryan, Phillip, and Gordon, R.G. |
1988 |
Gold mineralization in porphyry copper deposits |
Lowell, J.D. |
1988 |
Geochemistry of Laramide and Middle Tertiary plutons in the Ajo mining district, Pima County, Arizona |
Cox, D.P. |
1988 |
Determination of evaporation and seepage losses, Upper Lake Mary near Flagstaff, Arizona |
Blee, J.W.H. |
1988 |
Trace-element and isotopic constraints on the origin of the Mormon Mountain volcanic field, central Arizona [abs.] |
Unruh, D.J., Nealey, L.D., and Holm, R.F. |
1988 |
Potential for aquifer compaction, land subsidence, and earth fissures in the Tucson Basin, Pima County, Arizona |
Anderson, S.R. |
1988 |
Trace-element (including REE) mobility during hydrothermal alteration of the Sierrita porphyry copper deposit, Arizona [abs.] |
Anthony, E.Y., and Titley, S.R. |
1988 |