A new type of small bipedal dinosaur from the Navajo Sandstone of Arizona |
Camp, C.L. |
1936 |
Physiography of Arizona [abs.] |
Hoover, J.W. |
1936 |
Geology of the California mine area, Pima County, Arizona |
Gillingham, T.E. |
1936 |
Physiographic provinces of Arizona |
Hoover, J.W. |
1936 |
Geological report on Buttes anticline, Apache County, Arizona |
Shaw, E.S. |
1936 |
The copper deposits of Arizona; Ajo district, in Copper resources of the world, v. 1 |
Gilluly, James |
1935 |
Significance of Boulder Canyon project: Considerations leading to vast undertaking for regulation, water supply, and power |
Young, W.R. |
1935 |
The Paradise Formation and its fauna |
Hernon, R.M. |
1935 |
A report on the geology of the southwestern United States |
Effinger, W.L. |
1935 |
Geology and ore deposits of the Cuprite mining district |
Borland, G.C., and Lee, C.A. |
1935 |
Nomenclature of some Cambrian trilobites |
Resser, C.E. |
1935 |
'Das grosste Ding der Erde', die Colorado-Schlucht Grand Canyon |
Richter, R. |
1935 |
Earthquake, Grand Canyon |
McHenry, D.E. |
1935 |
Mining and milling methods at the Big Jim mine, Oatman, Arizona |
Johnson, C.H. |
1935 |
'Limonite' of molybdenite derivation |
Blanchard, R., and Boswell, P.F. |
1935 |
Treating gold ores (Second edition) |
Chapman, T.G. |
1935 |
The copper deposits of Arizona; Bisbee district, in Copper resources of the world, v. 1 |
Tenney, J.B. |
1935 |
Ep-Archean and Ep-Algonkian intervals in western North America, in Contributions to Pre-Cambrian Geology of western North America |
Hinds, N.E.A. |
1935 |
The copper deposits of Arizona; Jerome district, in Copper resources of the world, v. 1 |
Tenney, J.B. |
1935 |
Researches on Algonkian formations at Grand Canyon National Park |
Hinds, N.E.A. |
1935 |
Notes of the geology of northern Arizona |
Brady, L.F. |
1935 |
Preliminary note on the occurrence of a primitive theropod in the Navajo |
Brady, L.F. |
1935 |
Rock slide in the Coconino sandstone |
Grater, R., and Hawkins, H.H. |
1935 |
La diga di Boulder sul fiume Colorado |
Belloli, G. |
1935 |
Geology of the Silver King area, Superior, Arizona |
Galbraith, F.W. |
1935 |
Geology and ore deposits of the Richmond Basin area, Gila County, Arizona |
Bishop, O.M. |
1935 |
So Boulder Dam was built |
Pettit, G.A. |
1935 |
Significance of concretions in Vishnu schist [abs.] |
Campbell, I., and Maxson, J.H. |
1935 |
Occurrence of Triassic sediments on the rim of Grand Canyon |
McKee, E.D. |
1935 |
Geological studies of the Archean rocks at Grand Canyon |
Campbell, I., and Maxson, J.H. |
1935 |
Exploration of Roaring Springs Cave |
Seagle, E.F. |
1935 |
Sugarloaf Butte alunite |
Heineman, R.E.S. |
1935 |
Evolution of the Grand Canyon district |
Johnson, D.W. |
1935 |
Indian Hot Springs, Graham County, Arizona |
Knechtel, M.M. |
1935 |
Some observations on the middle Permian marine formations of northern Arizona [abs.] |
McKee, E.D. |
1935 |
Pre-Cambrian life |
Raymond, P.E. |
1935 |
A Conularia from the Permian of Arizona |
McKee, E.D. |
1935 |
Ground water in Avra Valley, Arizona |
Andrews, D.A. |
1935 |
Some facts about ore deposits |
Butler, G.M. |
1935 |
The geology and ore deposits of the Cuprite mining district |
Lee, C.A., and Borland, G.C. |
1935 |
Fossils in the Grand Canyon, in Exploring today |
Ellsworth, L. |
1935 |
Boulder Dam and its geographical setting |
Barbour, G.B. |
1935 |
Geologic history at a glance |
Richards, L.W., and Richards, G.L., Jr. |
1934 |
A problem of soil in transport in the Colorado River |
Rothery, S.L. |
1934 |
Paradise Formation and its fauna |
Hernon, R.M. |
1934 |
Elden Mountain |
Brady, L.F. |
1934 |
Pyrite concretions from the Chuar |
Bryan, J.J. |
1934 |
Arizona lode gold mines and gold mining |
Wilson, E.D., Cunningham, J.B., and Butler, G.M. |
1934 |
Terranal title Grand Canyon |
Keyes, Charles |
1934 |
Terraces along the lower course of the Colorado River [abs.] |
Blackwelder, Eliot |
1934 |
The Chinle Formation |
Vander Hoof, V. L. |
1934 |
Medley of Apache Group in Arizona |
Keyes, Charles |
1934 |
Some observations of the Unkar group of the Grand Canyon Algonkian |
Van Gundy, C.E. |
1934 |
The romance of common salt |
Orr, T.G. |
1934 |
Economic geological reconnaissance of the Casa Grande mining district, Pinal County, Arizona |
Tenney, J.B. |
1934 |
The seeds of Supaia, a Permian pteridosperm [abs.] |
White, C.D. |
1934 |
Researches on Algonkian formations of Grand Canyon National Park |
Hinds, N.E.A. |
1934 |
Ground movement and subsidence at the United Verde mine [with discussion] |
Mills, C.E. |
1934 |
Origin of the Colorado River |
Blackwelder, Eliot |
1934 |
Placer mining in the western United States, pt. 1; general information, hand-shoveling, and ground-sluicing |
Gardner, E.D., and Johnson, C.H. |
1934 |
Study of the bryozoan collection from the Museum of the National Park Service at Grand Canyon, Arizona |
Keppel, D. |
1934 |
Note on paleontology |
McKee, E.D. |
1934 |
Fluorspar deposits in western United States (with discussion), in Metal mining and nonmetallic minerals, 1934 |
Burchard, E.F. |
1934 |
An investigation of the light-colored, cross-bedded sandstones of Canyon de Chelly, Ariz |
McKee, E.D. |
1934 |
A probable influence on life in the Kaibab Sea |
McKee, E.D. |
1934 |
Field tests for the common metals (Sixth edition) |
Fansett, G.R. |
1934 |
Geological studies of the Archean rocks at Grand Canyon |
Campbell, I., and Maxson, J.H. |
1934 |
Remnants of the Age of Dinosaurs on South Rim of Grand Canyon |
McKee, E.D. |
1934 |
A change of name |
Brown, Barnum |
1934 |
The Grand View copper prospect |
Waesche, H.H. |
1934 |
Some new Mesozoic mollusca from the Rocky Mountain region and Arizona [abs.] |
Henderson, J. |
1934 |
The source of vanadium, molybdenum, tungsten, and chromium in oxidized lead deposits |
Newhouse, W.H. |
1934 |
Some new Mesozoic mollusca from the Rocky Mountain region and Arizona |
Henderson, J. |
1934 |
Archean ripple mark in Grand Canyon |
Maxson, J.H., and Campbell, I. |
1934 |
Deformation of the earth's surface due to weight of Boulder Reservoir |
Westergaard, H.M., and Adkins, A.W. |
1934 |
Is there gold in the canyon? |
Lauzon, H.R. |
1934 |
Thrust faulting in the Empire Mountains of southeastern Arizona |
Wilson, R.A. |
1934 |
A problem of soil in transport in the Colorado River |
Rothery, S.L. |
1934 |
Meeting the demand for sodium sulfate - Two plants in Arizona and Utah contribute - Mining and processing this non-metallic at Camp Verde, Arizona |
McDermid, A.J. |
1934 |
New Devonic area in northern Arizona |
Brady, L.F. |
1933 |
Summary of the geological and metallogenic history of Arizona and New Mexico, in Finch, J.W., and others, eds., Ore deposits of the western states (Lindgren Volume) |
Schmitt, H.A. |
1933 |
Centrifugal concentration of placer gravel |
Girand, J.B. |
1933 |
The formation of pediments |
Bryan, Kirk |
1933 |
A study of the Algonkian formations in Grand Canyon |
Hinds, N.E.A. |
1933 |
The construction of Hoover Dam; preliminary investigations, design of dam, and progress of construction |
Wilbur, R.L., and Mead, E. |
1933 |
The Bisbee mining district, in Ransome, F.L., ed., Ore deposits of the Southwest |
Tenney, J.B. |
1933 |
Ore deposits as related to stratigraphic, structural and igneous geology in the western states - Part 1, Summary, in Finch, J.W., and others, eds., Ore deposits of the western states (Lindgren Volume) |
Butler, B.S. |
1933 |
Mountains at close of the Algonkian era |
McKee, E.D. |
1933 |
Researches of Algonkian formations of Grand Canyon National Park |
Hinds, N.E.A. |
1933 |
Applied geology at the Old Dominion mine, Globe, Gila County, Arizona, in Finch, J.W., and others, eds., Ore deposits of the western states (Lindgren Volume) |
Bjorge, G.N., and Shoemaker, A.H. |
1933 |
Some jaspers of the Grand Canyon and their significance |
McKee, E.D. |
1933 |
Soil survey of the Yuma-Wellton area, Arizona-California |
Youngs, F.O., Harper, W.G., Thorp, James, and Isaacson, M.R. |
1933 |
Report of the geological work of the Museum of Northern Arizona for the summer season of 1933 |
Brady, L.F. |
1933 |
Principles of historical geology from the regional point of view |
Field, R.M. |
1933 |
Landslides and their part in widening the Grand Canyon |
McKee, E.D. |
1933 |
Some observations on the Archean metamorphics of the Grand Canyon |
Campbell, I., and Maxson, J.H. |
1933 |
A mounted skeleton of a ground sloth |
Brady, L.F. |
1933 |
Geology and ore deposits of the Sunshine area, Pima County, Arizona |
Higdon, C.E. |
1933 |
Study of the Ajo copper ore minerals |
Stewart, L.A. |
1933 |
The Coconino sandstone--its history and origin, in Papers concerning the Palaeontology of California, Arizona, and Idaho |
McKee, E.D. |
1933 |