The pre-Moenkopi (pre-Permian?) unconformity of the Colorado Plateau |
Dake, C.L. |
1920 |
Soil survey of the middle Gila Valley area, Arizona |
Eckmann, E.C., Baldwin, M., and Carpenter, E.J. |
1920 |
Ore deposition in the Warren district, Arizona |
Mitchell, G.J. |
1920 |
The United Verde smelter |
Parsons, L.A. |
1920 |
Pioneer Payson |
Willis, C.F. |
1920 |
Vertical extent of copper ore mineral in the Junction Mine, Warren district, Arizona |
Mitchell, G.J. |
1920 |
Contact-metamorphic tungsten deposits of the United States, in Contributions to economic geology, 1921; Part I - Metals and nonmetals except fuels |
Hess, F.L., and Larsen, E.S. |
1921 |
Surface water supply of the United States, 1917, Part IX. Colorado River Basin |
Grover, N.C., Follansbee, Robert, Jacob, C.C., and Ellsworth, C.E. |
1921 |
Uranium and radium |
Butler, G.M., and Allen, M.A. |
1921 |
Petroleum |
Butler, G.M., and Allen, M.A. |
1921 |
Notes on textures and relationships in the Globe copper ores |
Schwartz, G.M. |
1921 |
Lower California and its natural resources |
Nelson, E.W. |
1921 |
History of Tom Reed mines is story of success after failure |
Arizona Mining Journal |
1921 |
A brief report on the Holbrook oil field |
Hager, Dorsey |
1921 |
United Eastern Company pushing development work |
Arizona Mining Journal |
1921 |
Vanadium |
Allen, M.A., and Butler, G.M. |
1921 |
Recalling the days of the great Oatman boom in 1915 |
Arizona Mining Journal |
1921 |
Dardinelles [sic] strike gives Chloride more assurance |
Willis, C.F. |
1921 |
Fluorspar |
Allen, M.A., and Butler, G.M. |
1921 |
Activity in Oatman at Highland Chief mines |
Willis, C.F. |
1921 |
The Vulture mine |
Hutchinson, W.S. |
1921 |
Report on the Carriso Uranium Co's. claims in the San Juan Indian Reservation |
Staver, W.H. |
1921 |
Tom Reed gold mines vs. United Eastern Company |
Rickard, T.A. |
1921 |
Asbestos |
Allen, M.A., and Butler, G.M. |
1921 |
Gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc in Arizona, in Mineral resources of the United States, 1917, Part I - Metals |
Heikes, V.C. |
1921 |
Gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc in Arizona, in Mineral resources of the United States, 1918, Part I - Metals |
Heikes, V.C. |
1921 |
Geology of the Muddy Mountains, Nevada, with a section to the Grand Wash Cliffs in western Arizona |
Longwell, C.R. |
1921 |
Molybdenum, in Mineral resources of the United States, 1918, Part I - Metals |
Hess, F.L. |
1921 |
Oil possibilities of the Holbrook area in northeast Arizona |
Hager, Dorsey |
1921 |
Descriptions of species of Pleistocene Vertebrata, types or specimens of most of which are preserved in the United States National Museum |
Hay, O.P. |
1921 |
Developments at Kay Copper property, 49 miles north of Phoenix, described by a company engineer |
Engineering and Mining Journal |
1921 |
Steam-shovel operations at the United Verde mine |
Parsons, L.A. |
1921 |
Discussion on the stratigraphy of northeastern Arizona [discussion of Hager, Dorsey, 1921, Oil Possibilities of the Holbrook area...] |
Moore, R.C. |
1922 |
Stratigraphy of a part of southern Utah |
Moore, R.C. |
1922 |
Surface water supply of the United States, 1918, Part IX. Colorado River Basin |
Grover, N.C., Follansbee, Robert, Jacob, C.C., Purton, A.B., and Ellsworth, C.E. |
1922 |
Stratigraphic sections in southwestern Utah and northwestern Arizona, in Shorter contributions to general geology, 1921 |
Reeside, J.B., Jr., and Bassler, H. |
1922 |
Oil possibilities - Holbrook area - Arizona |
Hager, Dorsey |
1922 |
Geology of the Twin Buttes mining district |
Gordon, E.R. |
1922 |
The Mazatzal Quartzite, a new pre-Cambrian formation of central Arizona |
Wilson, E.D. |
1922 |
Primary native-silver ores near Wickenburg, Arizona, and their bearing on the genesis of the silver ores of Cobalt, Ontario, in Contributions to economic geology, 1922, Part I. - Metals and nonmetals except fuels |
Bastin, E.S. |
1922 |
Mining methods and costs at the United Verde mine |
Smith, H.D., and Sirdevan, W.H. |
1922 |
Proterozoic Mazatzal Quartzite of central Arizona |
Wilson, E.D. |
1922 |
Sketch of the geology of the Dos Cabezas Mountains of southeastern Arizona [abs.] |
Sarle, C.J. |
1922 |
Geology of the lower Gila region, Arizona, in Shorter contributions to general geology, 1921 |
Ross, C.P. |
1922 |
Arizona gold placers |
Allen, M.A. |
1922 |
Gold properties at Oatman preparing for development |
O'Brien, J.F. |
1922 |
Diamond drilling operations increasing in Oatman district |
O'Brien, J.F. |
1922 |
Concentrated mining activities from Arizona, New Mexico and old Mexico - Yavapai - Big Dome |
Arizona Mining Journal |
1922 |
Natural bridging in the high plateaus |
Pack, F.J. |
1922 |
A section of the Paleozoic formations of the Grand Canyon at the Bass Trail, Chap. B, in Shorter contributions to general geology, 1922 |
Noble, L.F. |
1922 |
Verde Chief property in south section of district |
Willis, C.F. |
1922 |
Outstanding geologic features of the Colorado River basin |
Pack, F.J. |
1922 |
The Sinian System |
Grabau, A.W. |
1922 |
The optical properties and morphology of bisbeeite |
Rogers, A.F. |
1922 |
Jerome Grande copper between Verde Central and United Verde |
Willis, C.F. |
1922 |
Ore deposits of the Sierrita Mountains, Pima County, Arizona, in Contributions to Economic Geology (Short Papers and Preliminary Reports), 1921 - Part I.--Metals and Nonmetals except Fuels |
Ransome, F.L. |
1922 |
The lure of Arizona gold was inspiration for Oatman |
Doman, R.S. |
1922 |
Delimitations of sundry Arizona terranes |
Keyes, Charles |
1922 |
Preliminary report on fossil vertebrates of the San Pedro Valley, Arizona, with descriptions of new species of rodentia and lagomorpha |
Gidley, J.W. |
1922 |
International and interstate aspects of the Colorado River problem |
Grunsky, C.E. |
1922 |
Handbuch der Palaeogeographie. Band II. Palaeogeographie |
Arldt, Theodor |
1922 |
Permian rocks of Grand Canyon |
Keyes, Charles |
1922 |
Erosion and sedimentation in the Papago country, Arizona, with a sketch of the geology |
Bryan, Kirk |
1922 |
Oatman today |
Boericke, W.F. |
1922 |
Gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc in Arizona, in Mineral resources of the United States, 1919, Part I - Metals |
Heikes, V.C. |
1922 |
Ajo enterprise of the New Cornelia Copper Company [two parts] |
Allen, A.W. |
1922 |
Framework of Arizona geology |
Keyes, Charles |
1922 |
Routes to desert watering places in the Papago country, Arizona |
Bryan, Kirk |
1922 |
The Colorado River and Arizona's interest in its development |
Smith, G.E.P. |
1922 |
Geology at site of proposed diversion works [at Headgate Rock, near Parker, Arizona], in Engle, C.A., Proposed irrigation project, Colorado River Indian Reservation |
Strahorn, A.T. |
1922 |
Gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc in Arizona, in Mineral resources of the United States, 1920, Part I - Metals |
Heikes, V.C. |
1922 |
Geology and ore deposits of Jerome district |
Reber, L.E., Jr. |
1922 |
Grand Canyon's palacial section |
Keyes, Charles |
1922 |
Discussion on rock-fill dam, Lees Ferry, Arizona |
Bryan, Kirk |
1922 |
Devonic unconformity in Arizona |
Keyes, Charles |
1923 |
Geologic features of the Lees Ferry, Arizona, dam site |
Bryan, Kirk |
1923 |
The lower Gila region, Arizona, A geographic, geologic, and hydrologic reconnaissance, with a guide to desert watering places |
Ross, C.P. |
1923 |
Biotic resolution of Red Wall Limestone of Grand Canyon |
Keyes, Charles |
1923 |
Pedestal rocks in the arid Southwest |
Bryan, Kirk |
1923 |
The Colorado River problem |
Corthell, N.E. |
1923 |
Wind erosion near Lees Ferry, Arizona |
Bryan, Kirk |
1923 |
Structural features of the Colorado Plateau and their origin [abs.] |
Moore, R.C. |
1923 |
A river diversion of Colorado River in relation to Imperial Valley, California |
Rothery, S.L. |
1923 |
Verde River lake beds near Clarkdale, Arizona |
Jenkins, O.P. |
1923 |
A river diversion on the delta of the Colorado in relation to Imperial Valley, California |
Rothery, S.L. |
1923 |
Tres Amigos gold veins of Arizona |
Keyes, Charles |
1923 |
Letter from the Chairman of the Colorado River Commission transmitting report of the proceedings of the Colorado River Commission and the compact or agreement entered into between the States of Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New... |
Colorado River Commission |
1923 |
Sites and nature of the North American geosynclines |
Schuchert, Charles |
1923 |
Black Mesa iron deposits of Plomosa District, Ariz. |
Keyes, Charles |
1923 |
Report and supplemental report of Delph E. Carpenter, Commissioner for Colorado, on the Colorado River Commission |
Carpenter, D.E. |
1923 |
Geology of the Old Dominion mine, Globe, Arizona |
Lausen, Carl |
1923 |
Geology of the Boulder Canyon and Black Canyon dam sites and reservoir sites on the Colorado River, A report to the Director of the U.S. Geological Survey |
Ransome, F.L. |
1923 |
Recently described 'bisbeeite' from the Grand Canyon is cyanotrichite |
Gordon, S.G. |
1923 |
Study of some mining districts of Arizona and of the structure of some ore specimens |
Legraye, M.P. |
1923 |
Relation between the Paleozoic and Mesozoic of New Mexico and Arizona |
Cole, V.B. |
1923 |
Deep-level chalcocite at Superior, Arizona, and at Butte, Montana |
Short, M.N. |
1923 |
Photographing the Grand Canyon |
Barrett, S.A. |
1923 |
The story of the New Cornelia |
Rickard, T.A. |
1923 |
Romances of some of Arizona's mines |
Willis, C.F. |
1923 |
Geology of the Oatman gold district, Arizona - A preliminary report |
Ransome, F.L. |
1923 |