Study of continental extension with paleomagnetism [abs.] |
Livaccari, R.F., Geissman, J.W., and Wawrzyniec, T. |
1995 |
Subsidence monitoring in Pinal County, Arizona - Status report, August 10, 1995 |
U.S. Geological Survey |
1995 |
The geology, leasing and production history of the Oak Springs uranium-vanadium mines, Apache County, Arizona |
Chenoweth, W.L. |
1995 |
Spatial and temporal relationships between mid-Tertiary magmatism and extension in southwestern Arizona |
Spencer, J.E., Richard, S.M., Reynolds, S.J., Miller, R.J., Shafiqullah, M., Gilbert, W.J., and Grubensky, M.J. |
1995 |
Geologic map of the Fountain Hills / Mount McDowell area, Maricopa County, Arizona |
Skotnicki, S.J. |
1995 |
Land subsidence and earth-fissure hazards near Luke Air Force Base, Arizona [abs.], in Prince, K.R., Galloway, D.L., and Leake, S.A., eds., U.S. Geological Survey Subsidence Interest Group Conference, Edwards Air Force Base, Antelope... |
Schumann, H.H. |
1995 |
Geological summary and perspective of porphyry copper deposits in southwestern North America, in Pierce, F.W., and Bolm, J.G., eds., Porphyry copper deposits of the American Cordillera |
Titley, S.R. |
1995 |
Cosmogenic 3He exposure ages of debris flows and lava dam outburst floods in the Grand Canyon, USA [abs.] |
Cerling, T.E., Webb, R.H., and Poreda, R.J. |
1995 |
Where to find information about the history of Arizona rivers, A computerized bibliography |
Tellman, Barbara, Yarde, Rick, and Wallace, M.G. |
1995 |
Geologic map of the Florence Junction and southern portion of the Weavers Needle 7.5' quadrangles, Pinal County, Arizona (revised May 1996) |
Ferguson, C.A., and Skotnicki, S.J. |
1995 |
The Helvetia area porphyry systems, Pima County, Arizona, in Pierce, F.W., and Bolm, J.G., eds., Porphyry copper deposits of the American Cordillera |
Anzalone, S.A. |
1995 |
Geology of pre-Pennsylvanian rocks in the Paradox Basin, and adjacent areas, southeastern Utah and southwestern Colorado |
Condon, S.M. |
1995 |
A tectonic tale of two basins: Late Paleozoic Orogrande and Pedregosa Basins of New Mexico and Chihuahua [abs.] |
Wilson, J.L. |
1995 |
Tertiary stratigraphic and structural relationships in the Copper Butte area, Teapot Mountain quadrangle, Pinal County, Arizona |
Dickinson, W.R. |
1995 |
Bedrock geologic map of the eastern half of the Mesa 30' x 60' quadrangle, east-central Arizona |
Spencer, J.E., and Richard, S.M., comps. |
1995 |
Tilting history of the San Manuel-Kalamazoo porphyry system, southeastern Arizona - A reply |
Dickinson, W.R., Force, E.R., and Hagstrum, J.T. |
1995 |
Natural gamma radiation of rocks in the southern Sierra Estrella, Arizona |
Melchiorre, E.B. |
1995 |
Investigation of hydrogeology, land subsidence, and earth-fissures, Luke Air Force Base, Arizona |
Schumann, H.H., and O'Day, C.M. |
1995 |
Convection of saline brines in enclosed lacustrine basins: A mechanism for potassium metasomatism |
Leising, J.F., Tyler, S.W., and Miller, W.W. |
1995 |
Hydrogeology of the Quitobaquito Spring and La Abra Plain area, Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, Arizona, and Sonora, Mexico |
Carruth, R.L. |
1995 |
Characteristics of porphyry copper deposits, in Pierce, F.W., and Bolm, J.G., eds., Porphyry copper deposits of the American Cordillera |
Williams, S.A., and Forrester, J.D. |
1995 |
Three-dimensional analysis of Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic data for upper Cenozoic volcanic rocks, Colorado Platueau-Basin and Range transition zone [abs.] |
Nealey, L.D., Unruh, D.M., Ludwig, K.R., and Maldonado, Florian |
1995 |
Hydroclimatological and paleohydrological context of extreme winter flooding in Arizona, 1993 |
House, P.K., and Hirschboeck, K.K. |
1995 |
The geology of the Mineral Hill area, Mission Mine, Pima County, Arizona, in Pierce, F.W., and Bolm, J.G., eds., Porphyry copper deposits of the American Cordillera |
Williamson, R.L., Jr., and Poulton, M.M. |
1995 |
Evaluation of water balance models: An assessment in mixed conifer forests of Arizona, in Baker, M.B., Jr., and Avery, C.C., eds., Hydrology and water resources in Arizona and the Southwest, V. 22-25 |
Ffolliott, P.F., and Gottfried, G.J. |
1995 |
Proceedings of the Third Annual Fossils of Arizona Symposium, November 18, 1995 |
Boaz, Debra, Bolander, Susan, Dierking, Peggy, Dornan, Michael, and Tegowski, B.J., eds. |
1995 |
Stratigraphic analysis of the Lower Cretaceous Mural Limestone in the Cerro de los Conchas, Arivechi, Sonora, Mexico [abs.] |
Monreal, Rogelio |
1995 |
Tilting history of the San Manuel-Kalamazoo porphyry system, southeastern Arizona - A discussion |
Guilbert, J.M., and Lowell, J.D. |
1995 |
Simulation of transient ground-water flow and land subsidence in the Picacho Basin, central Arizona [abs.], in Prince, K.R., Galloway, D.L., and Leake, S.A., eds., U.S. Geological Survey Subsidence Interest Group Conference, Edwards Air... |
Pool, D.R. |
1995 |
Tectonothermal evolution of the Pinaleno-Jackson Mountain core complex, southeast Arizona |
Long, K.B., Baldwin, S.L., and Gehrels, G.E. |
1995 |
Production and reserves of Cordilleran (Alaska to Chile) porphyry copper deposits, in Pierce, F.W., and Bolm, J.G., eds., Porphyry copper deposits of the American Cordillera |
Long, K.R. |
1995 |
A pervasive solar-like mantle He/Ne contribution to continental fluids in extensional settings [abs.] |
Ballentine, C.J., O'Nions, R.K., and Lollar, B.S. |
1995 |
Controlling and remediating surface and groundwater pollution from inactive and abandoned mines: A survey of management practices |
Frisch-Gleason, Robin |
1995 |
Hydraulic-conductivity measurements of reattachment bars on the Colorado River, in Baker, M.B., Jr., and Avery, C.C., eds., Hydrology and water resources in Arizona and the Southwest, V. 22-25 |
Petroutson, W.D., Bennett, J.B., Parnell, R.A., and Springer, A.E. |
1995 |
Devonian fossil fish from central Arizona, in Boaz, Debra, and others, eds., Proceedings of the Third Annual Fossils of Arizona Symposium, November 18, 1995 |
Johnson, H.G. |
1995 |
Coarse clastic deposits of Late Jurassic age in southwestern North America - A record of pull-apart basins [abs.] |
Anderson, T.H., McKee, J.W., McKee, M.B., and Nourse, J.A. |
1995 |
Deformation across and near earth fissures: Measurement techniques and results [abs.], in Prince, K.R., Galloway, D.L., and Leake, S.A., eds., U.S. Geological Survey Subsidence Interest Group Conference, Edwards Air Force Base, Antelope... |
Carpenter, M.C. |
1995 |
Simulation of ground-water flow in alluvial basins in south-central Arizona and parts of adjacent states, Regional Aquifer-System Analysis |
Anderson, T.W., and Freethey, G.W. |
1995 |
Remote sensing characteristics of porphyry copper systems, Western America Cordillera, in Pierce, F.W., and Bolm, J.G., eds., Porphyry copper deposits of the American Cordillera |
Spatz, D.M., and Wilson, R.T. |
1995 |
Basement derived He-N2 gases as a heat source for catagenesis [abs.] |
Simmons, E.C., and Nelson, J.S. |
1995 |
Geologic map of the Gerald Hills area, Globe-Miami area, Gila County, Arizona |
Skotnicki, S.J. |
1995 |
Quality of surface water and ground water in the proposed artificial-recharge project area, Rillito Creek basin, Tucson, Arizona, 1994 |
Tadayon, Saeid |
1995 |
The effect of dewatering a stream on its riparian system: A case study from northern Arizona, in Baker, M.B., Jr., and Avery, C.C., eds., Hydrology and water resources in Arizona and the Southwest, V. 22-25 |
Rowlands, P.G., Johnson, H.G., Avery, C.C., and Brian, N.J. |
1995 |
DDM-SVF: A prototype dynamic digital map of the Springerville Volcanic Field |
Condit, C.D. |
1995 |
San Rafael Group - Morrison Formation relationship, southern Colorado Plateau [abs.] |
Anderson, O.J., and Lucas, S.G. |
1995 |
Miocene-Pliocene half-graben evolution, detachment faulting and late-stage core complex uplift from reflection seismic data in south-east Arizona |
Kruger, J.M., Johnson, R.A., and Houser, B.B. |
1995 |
The Mount Perkins block, northwestern Arizona: An exposed cross section of an evolving, preextensional to synextensional magmatic system |
Faulds, J.E., Feuerbach, D.L., Reagan, M.K., Metcalf, R.V., Gans, Phil, and Walker, J.D. |
1995 |
Arc-related sodic hydrothermal alteration in the western United States |
Battles, D.A., and Barton, M.D. |
1995 |
Post-Laramide extension and rotation of porphyry copper deposits, southwestern United States, in Pierce, F.W., and Bolm, J.G., eds., Porphyry copper deposits of the American Cordillera |
Wilkins, Joe, Jr., and Heidrick, T.L. |
1995 |
Anomalous He and N2 in natural gas as an indicator of partial melting associated with epeirogenic uplift and the Rio Grande Rift [abs.] |
Nelson, J.S., and Simmons, E.C. |
1995 |
Geologic map of the Picketpost Mountain [Picketpost Mtn.] and the southern part of the Iron Mountain 7 1/2' quadrangles, Pinal County, Arizona |
Spencer, J.E., and Richard, S.M. |
1995 |
A field study of reaeration and solute transport at Pinal Creek, Globe, Arizona |
Hulseapple, S.M. |
1995 |
Dynamic digital map: The Springerville Volcanic Field |
Condit, C.D. |
1995 |
An immense, nonmarine Miocene salt deposit in the Basin and Range of northwestern Arizona [abs.] |
Faulds, J.E., Schreiber, B.C., Reynolds, S.J., and Okaya, D. |
1995 |
40Ar/39Ar thermochronology of isotopically zoned micas: Insights from the southwestern USA Proterozoic orogen |
Hodges, K.V., and Bowring, S.A. |
1995 |
Ground-water availability and flow characteristics of the Colorado Plateau near Flagstaff, Arizona [abs.], in Annual report and sixteenth meeting of the Western States Seismic Policy Council, September 18-20, 1995 |
Bills, Don |
1995 |
Stratigraphy and structure of the lower part of the Bisbee Group, northeastern Chiricahua Mountains, Arizona, in Jacques-Ayala, C., Gonzalez-Leon, C.M., and Roldan-Quintana, J., eds., Studies on the Mesozoic of Sonora and adjacent areas |
Lawton, T.F., and Olmstead, G.A. |
1995 |
Porphyry copper deposits: History, recent developments, exploration, economics, in Pierce, F.W., and Bolm, J.G., eds., Porphyry copper deposits of the American Cordillera |
Gilmour, Paul, Andrew, R.L., Bernstein, Merwin, Maxwell, Ian, and Morrissey, C.J. |
1995 |
A tale of two elevations: The southwestern Colorado Plateau [abs.] |
Morgan, Paul, and Lucchitta, Ivo |
1995 |
Tearing up the ground with splendid results: Historic mining on the Coronado National Forest |
Farrell, M.M., Gillespie, W.B., McDonald, J.A., Spoerl, P.M., and Wilson, J.P. |
1995 |
Preliminary geologic map of the Big Lue Mountains 15-minute quadrangle, Greenlee County, Arizona, and Catron and Grant Counties, New Mexico [Big Lue Mountains, Harden Cienega, Dix Creek, and Rattlesnake Spring 7.5 min] |
Ratte, J.C., and Brooks, W.E. |
1995 |
A redescription of Eldenosteus arizonensis (Placodermi: Arthrodira) from the Upper Devonian Martin formation of northern Arizona |
Johnson, H.G., and Elliott, D.K. |
1995 |
Grasshoper Junction anticline: An interference segment within the Black Mountains accommodation zone, NW. Arizona and S. Nevada [abs.] |
Varga, R.J., and Faulds, J.E. |
1995 |
How geologists tell time |
VandenDolder, E.M. |
1995 |
Multistage magma mingling and the origin of flow banding in the Aliso lava dome, Tumacacori Mountains, southern Arizona |
Seaman, S.J., Scherer, E.E., and Standish, J.J. |
1995 |
Results of ground-water, surface-water, and water-quality monitoring, Black Mesa area, northeastern Arizona--1992-93 |
Littin, G.R., and Monroe, S.A. |
1995 |
Processes and products of supergene copper enrichment, in Pierce, F.W., and Bolm, J.G., eds., Porphyry copper deposits of the American Cordillera |
Titley, S.R., and Marozas, D.C. |
1995 |
Sr isotope evidence for a lacustrine origin for the Upper Miocene to Pliocene Bouse Formation, Lower Colorado River Trough, and implications for timing of Colorado Plateau uplift [abs.] |
Patchett, P.J., and Spencer, J.E. |
1995 |
Ground water atlas of the United States, Segment 2, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah |
Robson, S.G., and Banta, E.R. |
1995 |
The mining frontier, in Farrell, M.M., and others, Tearing up the ground with splendid results: Historic mining on the Coronado National Forest |
Wilson, J.P. |
1995 |
Geologic map of the Portal quadrangle and vicinity, Cochise County, southeast Arizona |
Drewes, Harald, du Bray, E.A., and Pallister, J.S. |
1995 |
Geology and production history of the Alma - Seegan uranium mine, Navajo County, Arizona |
Chenoweth, W.L. |
1994 |
Geologic map of the Fife Peak quadrangle, Cochise County, Arizona |
Pallister, J.S., and du Bray, E.A. |
1994 |
The Mammoth Au - Ag - base-metal district, Arizona, as a detachment-fault-related deposit; evidence from fluid inclusion studies [abs.] |
Kamilli, R.J. |
1994 |
Areas of the United States with elevated screening levels of 222Rn |
Alexander, Barbara, Rodman, Nathaniel, White, S.B., and Phillips, Jeffrey |
1994 |
A hydrogeochemical survey for mineralized breccia pipes - data from springs, wells, and streams on the Hualapai Indian Reservation, northwestern Arizona |
Wenrich, K.J., Boundy, S.Q., Aumente-Modreski, Regina, Schwarz, S.P., Sutphin, H.B., and Been, J.M. |
1994 |
Surficial geology of the Santan Mountains piedmont area, northern Pinal and eastern Maricopa County area, Arizona [Chandler Heights and Sacaton NE 7.5 min] |
Huckleberry, Gary |
1994 |
Pseudotachylyte in a metamorphic core complex: Analytic modeling of the effect of compositional variation on frictional melting [abs.] |
Haneberg, W.C., Goodwin, L.B., and Ferranti, C.J. |
1994 |
AZWELL: A digital database of the Arizona Geological Survey well-cuttings repository |
McGarvin, T.G., and Trapp, R.A. |
1994 |
Arizona Geological Survey, Annual Report 1993-94; 105 years of service |
Fellows, L.D. |
1994 |
Kinematics and timing of Tertiary extension in the western Lake Mead region, Nevada |
Duebendorfer, E.M., and Simpson, D.A. |
1994 |
Arizona water resources assessment, V. I, Inventory and analysis |
Arizona Department of Water Resources |
1994 |
Geologic map of the Mormon Lake quadrangle, Coconino County, Arizona |
Holm, R.F. |
1994 |
Contrasting channel response to floods on the middle Gila River, Arizona |
Huckleberry, Gary |
1994 |
An abridged overview of some features of porphyry copper deposits in the American Southwest, in Thorman, C.H., and Lane, D.E., eds., USGS Research on Mineral Resources - 1994, Part B - Guidebook for Field Trips, Ninth V.E. McKelvey Forum... |
Titley, S.R. |
1994 |
Westward extension of Seboyeta Bay, Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) of west-central New Mexico, in Chamberlin, R.M., Kues, B.S., Cather, S.M., Barker, J.M., and McIntosh, W.C., eds., Mogollon Slope, west-central New Mexico and east-central... |
Anderson, O.J., and Lucas, S.G. |
1994 |
Geology and production history of the Big Four No. 2 uranium mine Navajo County, Arizona |
Chenoweth, W.L. |
1994 |
Geologic map of the Long Valley quadrangle, Coconino County, Arizona |
Weir, G.W., Ulrich, G.E., and Nealey, L.D. |
1994 |
Water resources data, Arizona, Water year 1993 |
Smith, C.F., Rigas, P.D., Ham, L.K., Duet, N.R., and Anning, D.W. |
1994 |
Verde Valley mammalian ichnofauna: Preliminary survey of a site, in Boaz, Debra, Dornan, Michael, and Bolander, Susan, eds., Proceedings of the Fossils of Arizona Symposium, Volume II, November 19, 1994 |
McGeorge, Rose, and Schur, Chris |
1994 |
Structural and sedimentological analysis of mid-Tertiary extension, Mohawk Mountains, southwestern Arizona [abs.] |
Ridgway, K.D., Pridmore, C.L., and Scheevel, J. |
1994 |
The hydrogeochemical evolution of the groundwater of the Tucson Basin with application to 3-dimensional groundwater flow modelling |
Kalin, R.M. |
1994 |
Paleomagnetism, stratigraphy, and petrology of the upper Cretaceous Roskruge Volcanics at Bell Mountain, southeast Arizona |
Hagstrum, J.T., Lipman, P.W., and Sawyer, D.A. |
1994 |
Bedrock geology of the eastern and central Tank Mountains, Yuma County area, Arizona [Palomas Mts. SE, Palomas Mts. SW, Palomas Mts. NE, and Palomas Mts. NW 7.5 min] |
Ferguson, C.A., Skotnicki, S.J., and Spencer, J.E. |
1994 |
Abundant ichnofaunas from the Permian DeChelly Sandstone, NE Arizona: Implications for dunefield paleoecology [abs.] |
Lockley, M.G., Hunt, A.P., and Lucas, S.G. |
1994 |
Continuous Holocene record of diatom stratigraphy, paleohydrology, and anthropogenic activity in a spring-mound in Southwestern United States |
Blinn, D.W., Hevly, R.H., and Davis, O.K. |
1994 |
Three-dimensional seismic crustal structure of metamorphic core complexes, detachment faults and accomodation zones in western and central Arizona [abs.], in 1994 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, December 5-9, San Francisco,... |
Kruger, J.M., Okaya, D.A., Reynolds, S.J., and Faulds, J.E. |
1994 |
Geologic map of the Signal quadrangle, Mohave County, Arizona |
Lucchitta, Ivo, and Suneson, N.H. |
1994 |
K-Ar ages of late Cenozoic basaltic rocks in the northern part of the Mormon Volcanic Field, north-central Arizona |
Holm, R.F., and Shafiqullah, M. |
1994 |
Alpine 1/Federal, Final report, Executive summary |
Witcher, J.C. |
1994 |