Consulting Geologist Paul Lindberg, renowned for his pioneering work on the volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposit at the United Verde Mine in Jerome, Arizona, passed away Saturday, 16 June 2018. Paul was born in Iron Mountain, Michigan in Feb. 1931.Paul was an active member of the Arizona Geological Society and guided field trips to the Verde Valley, Oak Creek Canyon, and Jerome. He was a prolific speaker and counted many southwestern geologists among his friends. Paul had a marvelous talent for helping others visualize the circumstances of geologic features of central Arizona. The photo here with Paul in hard hat was taken at the United Verde Mine site on 21 April, 2018. Paul's wife Phyllis Lindberg died on October 17, 2013, while hiking in West Fork trail of Oak Creek Canyon. Paul received his B.S. in Geological Engineering at the University of Minnesota in 1957. Besides his many contributions to the VMS ore bodies of Jerome, Arizona, he contributed several reports to the Arizona Geological Survey and field trip guides to the Arizona Geological Society. Select online publications. Lindberg, P.A., 2010, Geologic Report of the Devils Kitchen sinkhole, Sedona, Arizona: Arizona Geological Survey Contributed Report CR-10-B, 19 p. Lindberg, P.A., 2010, Sedona Sinkholes and Groundwater Flow: The Geologic History of Their Evolution, Coconino and Yavapai Counties, Arizona: Arizona Geological Survey Contributed Report CR-10-C, 67 p. and 1 map plate. Lindberg, Paul, 2005, The geology and ore deposits of Jerome, Yavapai County, Arizona: Arizona Geological Society Fall Field Trip, November 12-13, 2005, Guidebook, 36 p. Lindberg, Paul, 2015, Oak Creek-Mormon Lake Graben North-Central Arizona. Arizona Geological Society Spring Field Trip, 2 May 2015, 14 p.
Photographer: Mike Conway
Photo Date: May 2015
Photo Location Accuracy: Approximately Located
Photo Tags: Paul Lindberg, VMS, economic geology, Sedona, Jerome, copper