Photographs of a Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) footbridge across Rattlesnake Creek, Sabino Canyon Recreation Area. A, (July 9, 2003) In 1934 or 1935, the CCC constructed this footbridge across Rattlesnake Creek just above its confluence with Sabino Canyon. David Lazaroff established this camera station at the southern end of the bridge in order to document conditions around the time of the Aspen Fire (photograph courtesy of D.W. Lazaroff, PR817-27). B, (August 23, 2003) On August 23, 2003, the largest flood of the summer occurred in Sabino Creek, with a smaller flood occurring along Rattlesnake Creek. Water from Sabino Creek backed up into Rattlesnake Creek, overtopping the footbridge and depositing ash-laden sediment (D.W. Lazaroff, PR825-10). C, (September 1, 2006) The 2006 debris flow down Rattlesnake Canyon destroyed the footbridge, leaving only the stone steps on the north end. A debris-flow levee obscures what remains of the bridge in the foreground (R.M. Turner, Stake 3268). D, (2008) The debris flow from Rattlesnake Canyon cut through the Sabino Canyon Road (1), destroyed the CCC Bridge (2), turned downstream on Sabino Creek, then flowed about 100 yards before stopping. The red outline is the approximate perimeter of the debris-flow snout (Google Earth Image).
For full 103-page US Geological Survey report of the 2006 flooding and debris flows of the Santa Catalina Mountains: