This map was originally published in 1991 as part of Geological Society of America Special Paper 264. It is based on more than 80 geologic maps, both published and unpublished, that were prepared by more than 60 workers, as well as on reconnaissance, remapping, and reinterpretation by the author. Citation. Dickinson, William R., 1992, Geologic Map of Catalina Core Complex and San Pedro Trough: Arizona Geological Survey Contributed Map CM-92-C, map scale 1:125,000, 1 map sheet.
Photographer: William Dickinson
Photo Date: 1991
Photo Location Accuracy: Approximately Located
Photo Tags: Santa Catalina Mountains, metamorphic core complex, Miocene, Dripping Springs Mountains, San Pedro River, Rincon Mountains, Galiuro Mountains, Tortolita Mountains, Tortillia Mountains