When purchasing a house or property, a largely ignored aspect is the ground that the house sits on and the environment surrounding the property. Before choosing an area in which to buy a home, many people inquire about traffic-noise levels, crime rates, quality of schools, and whether the house is under the flight path of a major airport. It is logically better to obtain this kind of information before one buys or builds a home, rather than be surprised the first night by jets taking off from a nearby airport. Similarly, gaining knowledge about geologic conditions in an area will assist prospective homeowners, home builders, developers, and real estate agents to make informed decisions regarding potential problems.
Online Resource
Harris, R.C. and Pearthree, P.A., 2002, A Home Buyer's Guide to Geologic Hazards in Arizona. Arizona Geological Survey Down-to-Earth #13, 48 p http://repository.azgs.az.gov/uri_gin/azgs/dlio/1875
Interactive Natural Hazards in Arizona Viewer http://uagis.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=98729f76e46...