A magnitude 5.3 earthquake occurred near Duncan, AZ at approximately 10 pm on June 28th, 2014. The earthquake shaking was strong and caused moderate damage in the Duncan area; it was felt throughout southeastern Arizona as shown by this intensity map provided by the US Geological Survey's 'Did you feel it?' social media forum). The earthquake was centered about 7 km (4.4 miles) below the surface.
The main event was followed by 1000s (?) of aftershocks, dozens of which were felt locally. The last felt aftershock occurred more than a year following the M 5.3 event. Online resources: Young, J. and Pearthree, P., 2014, Duncan M5.3 Earthquake of June 2014 and Temporary Seismic Network Deployment. Arizona Geology e-magazine, http://azgeology.azgs.arizona.edu/article/seismic/2014/10/duncan-m53-ear... Conway, M., 2014, Social Media: a conduit for communicating earthquake information. Arizona Geology e-magazine, http://azgeology.azgs.arizona.edu/article/seismic/2014/10/social-media-c... Natural Hazards in Arizona viewer (earthquake theme), http://uagis.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=98729f76e46...