Gneissic rocks in the Rawhide Mountains include both mafic (dark) and felsic (light) layers. The light-colored layer here contains a faint foliation (layering) that is inclined to the left at an angle that is steeper than layering in the surrounding gneiss. This suggests that the rock is sheared, with shearing parallel to layering in the gneiss that is top-to-the-right.
Spencer, J.E. and Reynolds, S.J. (eds.), 1989, Geology and Mineral Resources of the Buckskin and Rawhide Mountains, West Central Arizona. Arizona Geological Survey Bulletin 198, 272 p.
Scott, R.J., 2004, Geologic maps and cross sections of selected areas in the Rawhide and Buckskin Mountains, La Paz and Mohave counties, Arizona, .v. 1.0: Arizona Geological Survey Contributed Map CM-04-D, map scale 1:10,000, 11 p. and 10 map sheets.