Schematic cross section of rock strata in vicinity of Devils Kitchen sinkhole. The elevations and geologic formation contacts may vary by small amounts due to interpretational differences. A solution cave within the Redwall Limestone (approximately 200 feet in diameter and 180 feet high) collapsed due to lack of roof support. Over a period of time the caprock caved in and finally broke through to the surface (1880s?).
Resource online:
Lindberg, P.A., 2010, Geologic Report of the Devils Kitchen sinkhole, Sedona, Arizona: Arizona Geological Survey Contributed Report CR-10-B, 19 p.
Lindberg, P.A., 2010, Sedona Sinkholes and Groundwater Flow: The Geologic History of Their Evolution, Coconino and Yavapai Counties, Arizona: Arizona Geological Survey Contributed Report CR-10-C, 67 p. and 1 map plate.