SP Crater, northern Arizona | A pristine blocky aa lava flow extends northward from the base of SP Crater - the unvegetated, dark-colored cinder cone in the middle ground. SP Crater is believed to be ~ 55,000 years old, Late Pleistocene. In spite of its age, it looks pristine and the surface lava flow textures are intact. It is surrounded by older, somewhat disheveled-looking cinder cones and subdued basaltic lava flows.
The snow-mantled San Francisco Peaks, a large composite volcano, are in the background to the left. (Aerial photo by Ted Grussing of Sedona, Arizona)
USGS Geologic Map of the SP Mountain part of the SFVF, north-central Arizona: https://ngmdb.usgs.gov/Prodesc/proddesc_5526.htm