Hello. I am exploring the availability of online water well log databases for the USGS. I discovered AZGS was involved in compiling several state well log databases that ended up being distributed on Unfortunately none of the state databases could be downloaded from their site. I either experienced a "can't find the web page" message, or the web page said the "link to the file is broken". Could you ask around and determine if there a way for the USGS to obtain these datasets?
Thank you
Les Arihood
I believe that we can help. Here are well URLS for well data - Water & Oil & Gas
- McGarvin, T.G. and Trapp, R.A., 1994, AZWELL: A digital database of the Arizona Geological Survey Well-Cuttings Repository. ) Arizona Geological Survey Digital Information-2, 6-p report, 1 ASCII file.
- Scurlock, J.R., 1973, Arizona Well Information: Supplement 1. Arizona Bureau of Mines, Oil and Gas (OG)-26, 30 p
- Arizona Well Information - 1972 4 parts (pdf documents)
- Interactive Arizona oil and gas well viewer (w geophysical logs and downloadable data).
You might chat with the folks at the Arizona Dept. of Water Resources. They should have quite a bit more data in easily consumed digital form.