Welcome to the AZGS Photo Gallery
This is our staging ground to showcase images of geologic features, scenes and structures from across Arizona. By and large, these images are the product of AZGS staff - geoscientists and administrative staff. We have invited non-Survey photographers to donate their images, too. Chief among these is Dr. Dale Nations. Dr Nations, Professor Emeritus at Northern Arizona University, and his students explored the geology of Northern Arizona during the latter third of the 20th century.
Images are accompanied by an explanation. We have tried to minimize jargon, opting to make this resource more palatable to a public audience. These images are available for non-commercial and educational use. We do ask that you credit the individual photographer, and please cite the Arizona Geological Survey Photographic Atlas as the source.
Last, the map at the bottom of this page includes the locations of nearly all images. Several images lack precise location. In part, that may be to preserve the security of fragile outcrops or fossils.
Recently Uploaded Photos
Click the image to see the original photo at maximum resolution (potentially large files). Click the title to see a full description, geolocation, and more.
Photos 217 - 240 of 574
Photos by Topic Tag
geotourism (96) geologic hazard (86) Pleistocene (55) Grand Canyon (44) Holocene (44) Miocene (43) San Francisco volcanic field (41) Natural resource (39) basalt (31) Santa Catalina Mountains (31) earth fissure (30) Proterozoic (29) geologic hazard (28) volcanism (23) Colorado River (23) copper (23) groundwater (22) cinder cone (22) subsidence (19) San Pedro River (19) Historic (19) Paleozoic (18) metamorphic core complex (18) Permian (17) sandstone (17) Sedona (16) landslide (16) Pliocene (16) Tertiary (15) San Francisco Peaks (15) Flagstaff (15) granite (15) volcanics (14) sedimentary structure (14) conglomerate (14) Oligocene (14) Basin and Range Province (14) mylonite (14) Quaternary (13) Navajo Nation (13) earthquake (13) gneiss (13) geohazard (13) Verde River (11) Triassic (11) Supai Formation (11) Redwall Limestone (11) Sunset Crater (11) Cambrian (10) Chinle Formation (10)Photos by Location
Click on a map marker to see a photo. Click on the photo or title to see more details.