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Rockinstraw Mtn. area
Placename Counties
Placename Label
Managing water supply variability: The Salt River Project, in Managing water resources in the west under conditions of climate uncertainty, Colloquium, Scottsdale, Arizona, November 14-16, 1990, Proceedings
Predevelopment hydrologic conditions in the alluvial basins of Arizona and adjacent parts of California and New Mexico
Freethey, G.W., and Anderson, T.W., 1986, Predevelopment hydrologic conditions in the alluvial basins of Arizona and adjacent parts of California and New Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-664, 3 sheets, scale 1:500,000.
Chemical, geologic, and hydrologic data from the study of acidic contamination in the Miami Wash-Pinal Creek area, Arizona, Water years 1984-87
Eychaner, J.H., Rehmann, M.R., and Brown, J.G., 1989, Chemical, geologic, and hydrologic data from the study of acidic contamination in the Miami Wash-Pinal Creek area, Arizona, Water years 1984-87: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 89-0410, 105 p.
Geology of the Pinal and Pinto Creek drainage basins, Gila, Pinal, and Maricopa Counties, Arizona
Kiven, C.W., and Ivey, J.B., 1981, Geology of the Pinal and Pinto Creek drainage basins, Gila, Pinal, and Maricopa Counties, Arizona: Florence, Ariz., Central Arizona Association of Governments, Mineral Extraction Task Force Report METF-4, 64 p.
Index to geologic maps in the Mesa 1o x 2o quadrangle, Arizona
Skotnicki, Steve, 1993, Index to geologic maps in the Mesa 1o x 2o quadrangle, Arizona: Arizona Geological Survey Open-File Report 93-19, 18 p., 3 sheets, scale 1:250,000.
The relationship of stream flow to precipitation on the Salt River watershed above Roosevelt Dam
Cooperrider, C.K., and Sykes, G.G., 1938, The relationship of stream flow to precipitation on the Salt River watershed above Roosevelt Dam: Tucson, University of Arizona, College of Agriculture, Agricultural Experiment Station, Technical Bulletin no. 76, 69 p.
The Apache Group, Troy Quartzite, and diabase: Middle Proterozoic rocks of central and southern Arizona, in Link, P.K., ed., Middle and Late Proterozoic stratified rocks of the western U.S. Cordillera, Colorado Plateau, and Basin and...
Wrucke, C.T., 1993, The Apache Group, Troy Quartzite, and diabase: Middle Proterozoic rocks of central and southern Arizona, in Link, P.K., ed., Middle and Late Proterozoic stratified rocks of the western U.S. Cordillera, Colorado Plateau, and Basin and Range Province, in Reed, J.C., Jr., and others, eds., Precambrian: Conterminous U.S.: Geological Society of America, The Geology of North America, v. C-2, p. 517-521, refs. p. 575-595.
Geologic map of the Salt River region, Rockinstraw Mountain quadrangle, Gila County, Arizona [Dagger Peak, and Meddler Wash 7.5 min]
Faulds, J.E., 1989, Geologic map of the Salt River region, Rockinstraw Mountain quadrangle, Gila County, Arizona [Dagger Peak, and Meddler Wash 7.5 min]: Arizona Geological Survey Contributed Map CM-89-B, 3 sheets, scales 1:24,000 and 1:375,000.
Correlation of Precambrian diabase in Arizona and southern California [abs.]
Wrucke, C.T., and Shride, A.F., 1972, Correlation of Precambrian diabase in Arizona and southern California [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 4, no. 3, p. 265-266.
Geology and mineral commodities of the Middle Proterozoic Apache Group, Arizona [abs.]
Wrucke, C.T., and Desborough, G.A., 1987, Geology and mineral commodities of the Middle Proterozoic Apache Group, Arizona [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 19, no. 7, p. 899.