A bedrock narrow in Wet Beaver Creek, a tributary of the Verde River of central Arizona, is referred to as 'The Crack". Bedrock is cross bedded, reddish sandstone of the Pennsylvanian to Lower Permian Supai Group. Boulders littering the channel floor are basalts from the nearby Mormon Mountain volcanic field.
Joe Cook captured this image while mapping Holocene deposits along tributaries of the Verde River.
Online resources
Cook J.P. and others, 2010, Mapping of Holocene River Alluvium along Oak Creek, Wet Beaver Creek, West Clear Creek, Fossil Creek, and the East Verde River, Central Arizona: Arizona Geological Survey Digital Map - River Map 03 (DM-RM-03), map scale 1:24,000. http://repository.azgs.az.gov/uri_gin/azgs/dlio/780