This new ‘Touring Geoheritage Sites of Flagstaff & Environs’ StoryMap highlights 30 of the most prominent geologic, archaeologic, and cultural features near Flagstaff. Some of the more prominent features of the Plio-Pleistocene San Francisco volcanic field presented here, include: San Francisco Mountain, Mount Elden, Sunset Crater, and Strawberry Crater, among other sites. Also included is Dr. Richard Holm’s beautiful ‘Geologic Map of San Francisco Mountain’.
The section on Archaeology & Museums pinpoints some of the more spectacular cultural features, past and present, in the Flagstaff area. We hope this online tour will add value to the visitors experience.
Between January and August 2018, 9.5 million people visited the national parks of northern Arizona. Grand Canyon received more than 4.47 M. visitors; followed by 3 M visitors to Glen Canyon National Recreation Area (source: Arizona Office of Tourism). Flagstaff’s three national monuments – Sunset Crater, Walnut Canyon, and Wupatki – were visited by more than 359,000 people.
Online Resources
Geoheritage tour of Flagstaff & environs, northern Arizona -