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Brian F. Gootee, M.S.
Chief of Basin Analysis
1955 East Sixth Street
PO Box 210184
Tucson, AZ 85721
- B.S. and M.S., Arizona State University
- B.S. Program, University of Texas at San Antonio
- R.G. State of Arizona, No. 40161
Current Projects
- Quaternary geologic and geomorphic mapping
- Basin analysis throughout Arizona
- Landslide hazard mapping
- Selected outreach projects
- Geologic consultation to Arizona’s 22 native tribes
Research Interests
- Geologic and geomorphic mapping throughout Arizona
- Outreach and education on geology of the southwest
- Water resource characterization
- Structural evolution of Arizona
- Cenozoic Landscape evolution
- Climate change
- Global Eolian distribution and processes
- Glacial landforms and processes
- Sequence stratigraphy and carbonate-siliciclastic sedimentology
Selected Publications
- Gootee, B.F., 2011, Geologic evaluation for CO2 sequestration potential in Arizona’s Cenozoic sedimentary basins: The Safford Basin, southeastern Arizona. Arizona Geological Survey Poster Publication, presented before the WESTCARB Annual Business Meeting, 25-26 October 2011, Sacramento, California, 20 slides.
- Gootee, B.F., Mahan, M.K. and Love, D.S., 2012, A summary of salinities in Arizona’s deep groundwater. Arizona Geological Survey Open File Report, OFR-12-26, 23 p.
- Gootee, B.F., Young, J.J., Pearthree, P.A. and Ferguson, C.A., 2013, Detailed Mapping of the Southern Terminus of the Big and Little Chino Fault Zones, North-Central Arizona, Geological Society of America, Abstract and Poster, available at
- Gootee, B.F. and Gruber, D.G., 2015, Quartz vein investigation, McDowell Sonoran Preserve, Scottsdale, Maricopa County, Arizona. Arizona Geological Survey Open File Report, OFR-15-03, 69 p.
- Gootee, B.F., Willard, D.J., Wilson, M.J., Barba, W., Jablonsky, J., McCrea, B., Muncaster, Nations, J., Rowan, C. and Wescott, J., 2015, Aerial and Topographic Analysis of Quaternary Faulting at SP Crater Lava Flow, San Francisco Volcanic Field, Arizona, USA: Highlighting Undergraduate Research in Geology. Arizona Geological Survey Open File Report, OFR-15-11, 8 p, 1 appendix.
- Gootee, B.F., Pearthree, P.A., House, P.K., Youberg, A., Spencer, J.E., and O’Connell, B., 2016, Geologic map of the Cibola 7 ½’ Quadrangle and the northwestern part of Cibola SE 7 ½’ Quadrangle, La Paz County, Arizona, and Imperial County, California: Arizona Geological Survey Digital Map DGM-112, scale 1:24,000, 1 report, 21 p.
Brian Gootee is a senior research geologist and tribal liaison with the Arizona Geological Survey at the University of Arizona, since 2007, and has over three decades of experience and over eighty publications in multiple fields: geologic mapping, sedimentology, stratigraphy, sequestration, geologic hazards, hydrogeology, and outreach. Since 2020, Brian has led the Basin Analysis Group at the Geological Survey specializing in research of the deep subsurface for carbon dioxide sequestration and mineralization, hydrogen gas storage, and energy-related ecosystems. He received his BS and MS degree at Arizona State University. Brian is a native of Texas and enjoys spending time with his wife and two kids, backpacking, silversmithing and woodworking.